Taemin´s Manly Epic Tale Of Manliness ∞


Taemin is the new Chuck Norris. No questions or he might come for you.

This is a collection of one-shots revolving around Taemin, and Taemin only! X3





“This spot is perfect.”


Minho put down all the tenting equipment he was carrying and breathed in the sent from the mountainous air. He looked behind him when he heard the ragged panting from other members.


JongHyun arrived at the top the hill first trying to look semi-composed and manly while he lugged all the kitchen supplies on his back. Right behind him was Taemin who also looked worn out and finally Onew and Key brought up the rear.


JongHyun dumped his stuff off to the side as the others followed suit. They all collapsed onto the ground.



“What *pant * the *pant * hell *pant * Minho” Onew gasped out trying to catch his breath.


“Isn’t the view spectacular here hyung?” Minho asked now facing the massive mountains in front of him.


“You made us climb a BILLION miles just so you could see THIS!?!” the diva screeched.


“Shut it Key. My head hurts and I had to endure your whiny backside the entire way here.” JongHyun said as he lied on the ground an arm over his closed eyes.


Onew tried to stop the oncoming fight between the dino and the diva,“Look guys we lost the bet didn’t we? So lets just deal with it. Fair is fair-“



“Fair my backside!! Any competition with Minho is an automatic win for him!! He’s the most manly person here!!” Key pointed a finger at the tallest member who continued to ignore him.



Instead Minho turned to the youngest member. He’d been silent most of the trip and now here he still hadn’t spoken a word.

What was wrong with him??



“Yah Taemin-ah how do you like it up here?” Minho asked the boy who was standing looking into the trees.


Taemin didn’t answer he only continued to scan the tree line.


“Yah! Taemin what’s wrong? Why are you looking in the trees?” Onew asked looking in the trees.



“I’m looking for....my victims.”

“Oh cool your looking for- wait-“

Your...WHAT!?” The other boys all shouted at him.


Suddenly they heard rustling from the bushes opposite their makeshift resting spot. JongHyun got up and tried to peer a bit closer.


Just then a bear came out of the forest.


Not a cute cuddly bear.

Not a I-want-to-give-it-a-hug bear.



Key let out a girlish squeal and hid behind Onew. Minho and JongHyun pushed Taemin back and slowly backed their group away.



“Wh-what should we do???” Key asked legitimately scared for his life.

“I think we should play dead” Onew suggested.

The bear let out a kind of growl and slowly inched closer.


Okay, screw the playing dead plan.



JongHyun quietly whispered to the others, “On my count we run like hell, got it? 1......2..........”










The boys jumped 50 feet in the air and the most unexpected person spoke up.


Taemin pushed past his hyungs as they made desperate grabs to bring him back. He now stood out from his hyungs and walked a few paces towards the animal.


What happened next shocked the four remaining boys into silence.



Taemin looked at the bear. The bear looked back and........suddenly fell to the ground...dead?!??!



“That’s what I thought.” Taemin told it glaring hard at the now (trying really hard to be) ‘dead’ bear.

His hyungs stood in their little huddle shocked.




What the HELL just happened!??!?!?




Taemin turned around facing them. They stared back. Suddenly a smile spread across his face.


“What are you guys doing lets get the tents pitched up!” he skipped...SKIPPED towards the pile of bags.


Everyone looked at each other and looked back to the bear. It lied their....just lied there....it didn’t move. Heck it barely even breathed.



What the heck just happened?!?



They looked back at Taemin happily going through the bags as if he's not just stunned a bear into fake death.

The boys were soon going to find out something very important....




....Taemin wasn’t an innocent little boy anymore...he was a MAN.



And this is his manly epic tale of manliness.


I blame Cloudsurf for all this.


This is pure brain farts.



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Demitria_Teague #1
Chapter 12: This was funny, but it's completed? It makes me so curious how he's doing everything. Anywho, thanks for the lots of laughs.
Demitria_Teague #2
Chapter 4: OMG I was giggling like a maniac in this one. This is so funny. ^^ ki ki ki ki ki ki ki!
so4fty #3
Chapter 9: I remeber this story its gold
This is seriously funny.
I had to look ahead at all your story main images, and the just made me crack up, big time.
Can't wait to continue reading the stories.
excuse me i want more
Quwanda #6
Chapter 5: Lmao I love this!!
Chapter 12: lol this is amazing! Update soon!
amazinglyme #8
Chapter 12: TAEMAN!!!! Update soon please!
caffeine_cat #9
Chapter 12: hardeeharhar.. more taeman pleeeaassssseeee...update soon!!
Chapter 12: i miss this!!! soooo glad that u update... =)