Mark Me


Tattoo!AU. Everyone is born with their own unique tattoo and every time you fall in love with someone, their tattoo appears somewhere on your body, as if your blood seeps out of your skin to mark it, make it clear that you’ve been touched by someone for the rest of your life. Show the world all the thoughts and feelings and time you’ve poured for this person, enough to offer a piece of your body for them to own for all your life time.

Seungcheol and Jeonghan are a highly successful veteran idol duo with underlying problems. Wonwoo’s a Tattoo artist with only a single Mark in his body, his own. Seokmin’s deep in depression and Soonyoung is trying his best as his best friend but it may soon prove to not be enough. Chan is an outcast in school but yearns, deep down for a Mark to appear on his skin one day. Boo Seungkwan is best friends with Choi Hansol and he wants things to stay that way. Mingyu has the perfect relationship, blessed by the legends of Marked Soulmatehood. Jihoon is covered in marks, of the black and blue variety. Junhui is working two and a half jobs to support himself and Minghao whom he took in because he was someone’s son’s cousin of someone who knew Junhui’s parents. Jisoo wants to continue on in life unnoticed but a scandal will ruin all that he’s worked for. Everyone’s just struggling to live but somethings are just harder when Marks appear where they shouldn’t.


Entry for the Supernatural!AU contest by 6veryday!


Seungcheol is in a popular idol duo with Jeonghan and everyone knows that Seungcheol is dating someone not within the industry– its a happy, private relationship as far as anyone knows.

Jeonghan is tired of his career and wants to do something else, something, anything to get away from people whose words feel as false as the make up caked on his face.

Jisoo is just trying to live life unnoticed, holding fast onto beliefs impressed on him as a child by strongly religious parents. But the existence of Marks make it hard for him.

Mingyu’s girlfriend might, quite possibly according to Mark Soulmate legends, be the one. But he wasn’t going to hold onto her if she couldn’t understand that his hyung needed him.

Jihoon doesn’t know how things went so wrong. Doesn’t know where all the sweet, light feelings that he’d felt had gone, only unease and the unyielding hope he holds within him that somehow, things will change for the better as long as he stayed.

Wonwoo, as a tattoo artist, is not very well liked for his profession. Tattoo artists were Satan’s little helpers, assisting in deceit and tarnishing the sanctity of Marks. Wonwoo doesn’t care because it pays enough to live comfortably; he just wishes that his customers would stop asking him why he doesn’t have any other Mark aside from his own.

Soonyoung’s best friend, Seokmin is depressed as all hell and suicidal. He tries to be a good friend and some days are better than others– some days he’s smiley, warm and bubbly others he’d just cry or stare out into space or look longingly at Soonyoung’s kitchen knives. It’s hard but Soonyoung is determined to be there for Seokmin every step of the way– that is until Seokmin tells him he loves Soonyoung and Soonyoung’s Mark imprints itself on Seokmin’s left wrist.

Junhui works three jobs and a half to keep his apartment and support Minghao who is an illegal immigrant trying to get a permanent residency status somehow– he took him in because he was someone’s son’s cousin of someone who knew Junhui’s parents. It’s weird but he likes caring for people so its fine in the beginning but then Minghao gets clingy and develops feelings and he wants to reciprocate– he really does but he’s Aromantic and all that he can offer is his companionship and support and that’s just never enough for most people.

Seungkwan and Hansol are childhood friends. They shared everything growing up and going to different school’s wasn’t going to change that. But Seungkwan thinks that having Vernon’s Mark appear on his skin may just do the trick.

Chan is the class outcast in his new high school. He liked observing people, most especially their marks. He really just wants someone, anyone’s Mark to appear on his skin. Someone whose skin will be covered in his own, just someone please.

A/N: I feel like all of this is a little TMI but it’ll help people understand whats really happening in the vignettes. This is actually taken from my own timeline and relationship notes so it may be a little messy. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope you enjoy it! And if you do, don’t forget to Upvote, Subscribe and Comment to support this story for the Supernatural!AU contest held by 6veryday on AFF!




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HanneyLee #1
Please please please continue.. Don't stop there..
Chapter 3: Cheol better not have laid a single finger on smol woozi I swear ;-; all this angst makes my heart huurrrtttt T^T I'm probably late in finding this but please update soon ;-; I don't think my heart can take this wait ;-;
TheiaP #3
So goooddddd.

I'm just gonna speculate in the comments cause sadly... I don't think this will be updated anytime soon.
but Cheol beats Jihoon, who's Mingyu's hyung.
Jisoo saved Jihoon's life.
Mingyu and Seungkwan are somehow related cause they both rich (related in terms of society)
the others are very evident in the story.... but how does Jun and Minghao fit in this... I haven't found out yet.
Chapter 3: Oh please tell me what happens next? Pretty please...
Jihoon_98 #5
Chapter 3: Did Seungcheol really beat Jihoon?! HE BEAT THAT SMALL AND CUTE CREATURE?! how dare he?!
Ever since I've started reading this fic, I tried to relate myself to one specific character. That person who can somehow represent me in that kind of world. But then I realized that a piece of everyone spoke strongly to me and I just couldn't get attached to one. I don't know why.

I just want to say that this fic is truly beautiful and I hope you will be able to update this again soon. Thank you very much. ^^
Chapter 3: When I read in the second chapter that there was a boy lying on the bed in bruises I already knew it was Jihoon. How can Seungcheol do something like this? Does he really think a giant teddybear will make everything okay again? And I'm already in love with Wonwoo in this story! He is just awesome, nothing more to say. But I need to say I don't really get the marks. When do they appear on someones body? If the person is in love with someone, or if someone is in love with said person? Cause I'm kind of confused right now.
Chapter 3: Dang. This story cycles through all the emotions.