Among The Trees (King of the Fay)**


Ivey always felt most at home inside her grandmother's country garden. A place she could run to and forget the troubles around her.

When her grandmother passes away, Ivey learns her family cannot afford her grandmother's old house and sells it to mysterious new comers.

Hiding in the garden one last time, Ivey stumbles across a wonderfully secret hidden among the leaves..

But the clock is ticking, Ivey must get back before she loses everything..but is it worth it?



**Working Title 

♠♥♣♦A twist on Alice in wonderland ♥♦♠♣


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747 streak #1
Chapter 12: Looking forward to the new story, sounds intriguing.
747 streak #2
Chapter 10: Ivey's mother is a piece of work, who would do that to their own child? I hope either Chester or Petal find her soon. At least her body is protecting itself. Good chapter.
747 streak #3
Chapter 9: Hey girlie, I was starting to worry, hope everything is okay. :) Good update, I can't wait for Ivey to learn more about the different kinds of magic, and creatures. Hopefully Shelly won't be as much of a royal pain when she wakes up.
747 streak #4
Chapter 8: I really liked this chapter. It's really sweet how Chester watches over her, I just wish she'd realize she's worthy of his attention, and not be so insecure. Love what he did to Shelly. haha
747 streak #5
Chapter 7: Hmm...looks like her mom has a lot of secrets. That is interesting that she can supposedly take care of herself, but her husband is able to abuse her. smh Ivey, and Chester are getting closer.
747 streak #6
Chapter 6: What do they have to go through before they can be together? Sounds like it took him a while to find out her whereabouts, and now he is able to watch over her again. Good stuff.
747 streak #7
Chapter 5: Very colorful group, can't wait to see who Ivey encounters next. I also wonder if the blue liquid is dangerous.
evearroz #8
Chapter 3: I actually like this story. The whole fantasy, whimsical dimension idea is pretty neat. And Kris would fit into this part perfectly! But do you proof read after you write? If not I STRONGLY recommend that you do because some of these sentences are so hard to read and understand, and then I get all worked up on one sentence just because of one simple typo. But anyway, great story line. I'll continue to read it.
747 streak #9
Chapter 4: Fingers crossed it works, and she doesn't end up somewhere weird!
747 streak #10
Chapter 3: I really like this story, you're off to a good start. It seems like it's a sort of Fae realm? I can't wait to see what happens when she finds Chester.