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She is staring at the ceiling, her eyes never leaving the white concrete at the top. It had been so lonely when her friends left her and the silence is deafening. She tilted her head on the right and a certain portrait caught her attention. She grabbed it a smle crept on her lips. It's a photo of her and her friends being crazy, no problems, no worries, no nothing, just them being happy and free.

The door swung open revealing eight wonderful girls entering noisily, the smile on her lips grew wider.

Jungyeon sat beside her, playfully hooking her arms around her and she just can't help but to smile. The younger girl always gives her this reasurring smile, the everything-will-be-alright smile and for some reason she will trust her by nodding and smiling. Jungyeon's presence never failed to make her smile and that's one of the reason why she started to develop feelings for this boyish derp.

Momo jumped between them putting her arms around the both of them and she can only laughed, playfully hitting the racoon er. She always kene Momo likes Jungyeon, after having that heart to heart talk with her she knew 100% her gut was right. She tried distancing herself for Momo to have a better chance but it pains her so she and Momo decided that they will tell her their feelings.

As usual Dahyun is falpping her arms like there's no tomorrow. Chaeyoung doesn't give a , all she need is food after all. Jihyo is being louder as time goes by. Mina is protecting her oh-so precious ketchup. Sana being a 4D, just randomly started to make vietnamese spring roll and Tzuyu? well everything she do looks pretty on her so whatever.

Nayeon smiled at the sight in front of her but her smile didn

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Hanlex #1
Chapter 1: Thanks for writing but.. Why this!?
Chapter 1: OMG! So sad :'(
ursula91 #3
Chapter 1: (T_T)(ノへ ̄、)Your story is so sad that I did mourn the part I liked was. the end
"Promise me if we all tired and gave up.
You're they only one who will stand strong and won't fall on your knee's"
Chapter 1: omg i totally did not expect this to be so sad TT.TT thanks so much for writing this!
TriX209 #5
Chapter 1: oh its so sad T.T
blingstar_ #6
Chapter 1: Dem dem dem! Hahaha T.T why? Why is it so depressing?

But you describe it like the way I feel about them, about 2yeonmo, nojambro and about SanaMina. I ship 2yeon the most and I really really like nojambro's bond. Thanks for sharing this and please keep writing!