Chapter 11

Dilemmas In Our Destiny

Sorry I haven't been updating as often as I said I would, but my schedule in school has become more hectic and my English teacher wants us to write a peice every week so I am cutting down my updates to once a week on whatever day I have time, I hope you guys understand. Thank you so much to my subscribers and commenters, I am so happy that there are over 50 of you guys that have sunbscribed. You all make my writing what it is and are marveluos people. 


    Things like always, were silent, Myungsoo off somewhere doing who knows what, Sunggyu by Howon’s side and Woohyun’s hand clutching Dongwoo’s. That all shattered, though, Sunggyu finding himself running towards Woohyun and forcing the boy into a warm embrace, Howon smashing his lips to Dongwoo’s lips moving sloppily and tongue begging for entrance. When Sunggyu and Woohyun had broken their own lip lock, which had probably begun sometime during Howon and Dongwoo's kiss the only thing that could be heard was heavy breaths and panted out ‘I love you’s. After all four people were a slight bit calmer, Howon and Dongwoo went into a room as Sunggyu dragged Woohyun into another one. 
    -YaDong’s Room-
    “Howon, I am so sorry. I never thought he would actually post those pictures, I mean sure he threatened me but I thought he wouldn’t after reading the diary. Your career, this scandal, it’s all my fault, I am so sorry,” Dongwoo was sobbing by the end, after all, it was his fault. Sungjong had kept his word, and about a half hour ago, Howon’s manager notified him of the scandal and after searching for more information on Howon’s smartphone, they found out that the pictures had been posted and had gone viral. After that, there was only silence that was broken as he found himself in a new room. 
“Dongwoo, it’s okay, we’re together. This scandal can’t harm me because we are actually together. I am more concerned about you, you were blackmailed Dongwoo and you didn’t tell me, do you know how much of a failure I felt like, I feel like? I couldn’t help you at all, and to know that Woohyun helped you get through it after reading that diary…” Howon trailed off, nervous and clearly unwilling to continue, but they had to talk. Their relationship couldn’t thrive if they didn’t.
“You are the only one I love. Maybe it used to be me and Woohyun and you and Sunggyu, but along with my memories of the time I was with Woohyun, my feelings for him have been pried away from me,” Dongwoo stepped forward, with his hands cradling Howon’s face as his thumb caressed the younger boy’s cheek. 
“It’s still so hard to believe, Woo,” Howon murmured, still confused, “Sunggyu and I used to be boyfriends, I mean how was I to feel like everything could be the same after reading that, after seeing images of him and me kissing? I can’t live without Sunggyu, Dongwoo, but I don’t want to lose you either,” Howon was confused, muddled, lost. All he wanted to do was forget, and a part of him couldn’t help but wonder how Sungjong lived all these years with secrets like these tormenting his mind. 
“I feel exactly the same with Woohyun, I need him but he will never complete me the way you do,” Dongwoo murmured, pulling Howon’s face a little closer to his and pressing their lips together for a few seconds before pulling away, blushing a little. His blush only increased, though, as Howon burst out laughing, burying his face in the crook of Dongwoo’s neck as his body shook from his convulsions of mirth. 
“You should stop spending so much time with Woohyun,” the phrase came out broken and barely recognizable between Howon’s laughs, the blush on Dongwoo’s face fading as he found himself rooted in spot. 
“Y-you want me t-to lea-leave Woohyun,” and then Dongwoo’s voice came out foreign to both of them, broken in tone and speech but at the same time oddly firm and with a lilt to it that made it seem that he was expecting this command.
“No, not at all, Dongwoo I meant that spending time with him was making you cheesy. I would never want you to leave Woohyun,” Howon rushed through his words, letting out an inaudible sigh of relief as Dongwoo’s stiff posture loosened in his embrace. 
-Woogyu’s Room-
    “You think things are going fine between them?” Woohyun was on edge, but more worried for Dongwoo than for himself. That prompted Sunggyu to start. 
    “I think we have other things to worry about, Hyun, maybe like whether or not things are okay between us,” maybe Sunggyu could have phrased it differently, and the fear in Woohyun’s eyes was probably his fault, but honestly Sunggyu was to tired to care about wording after all the that had been revealed to him. 
    “I love you. I know you are probably confused and I was too, and maybe if I hadn’t fallen in love with you I would have left whoever my lover was after this revelation, but you, Kim Sunggyu, you I can’t leave. I still remember how I despised you when I first met you, at least, our first meeting that we remember. I still despise you sometimes. I hate how you just came into my life and stole my heart. I hate how you just came and made me a slave to your love and a for your affection. I hate how you make me throw away my pride and how a life without you makes me feel like not living, but at the same time, I love you more for it,” Woohyun ended by pulling Sunggyu into a hug, burying his face into Sunggyu’s neck. 
    “I missed you,” was all Sunggyu said in response, his hands circling around Woohyun’s chest and clutching onto the other male a little too tightly, but it wasn’t as if Woohyun was going to complain. “Please don’t leave again.”
    “I won’t,” Woohyun promised, feeling Sunggyu relinquish the death grip around his chest just a little. Woohyun pressing his lips against Sunggyu’s neck in a reassuring manner. 
    “Sungyeol wanna see Soo, Sungyeol miss Soo,” Sungyeol was on the verge of tears, his vision blurring as he stomped his feet to the ground in a childish manner. 
    “Not yet, Sungyeol, please understand,” Sungjong tried to calm the older male down, but he only managed to make the older breakdown completely. Sungyeol’s erratic breathing and hysterical sobbing filling the room. Soon, though, the fight having taken a lot out of the older, Sungjong found him asleep on the floor with Myungsoo’s name falling from his lips as he dreamed. Sungjong didn’t want to leave Sungyeol in this state, but if he were to continue with his plot against the Kims’ he couldn’t afford to miss his meeting with Dongjun couldn’t be postponed. Revenge was something he needed after all, and so with a reluctant heart, he made a makeshift bed for Sungyeol and left the house after making sure that every door and window was securely locked. Repeating one thing to himself in hopes to admonish his guilt, the Kims’ will pay, the Kim’s deserve to pay.

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khasabat #1
Chapter 15: How Myung father erased their memories? Oh Poor Jongie.
Myung takecare Yeol-
Jomaymayy #2
Chapter 17: What kind of father would do that to his own child,He even hypnotize Myungsoo's friend,The letter that Sungjong have written is so Romantic
Chapter 15: No! The ending is so heartbreaking :'(
But i like the letter part that written by Sungjong in the ending tho. But really it is so sad...
Good job authornim, even i dont want this story end, im looking another myungyeol story of yours :)
zurikayo #4
Chapter 15: Oh jong nooo!!! :'( I hate Myungsoo's father..
I love Woogyu,yadong and myungyeol happy ending.Great fic loved it :)
Chapter 14: Kinda remind me of shakespear's midsummer's night dream xD
zurikayo #6
Chapter 14: Poor jong :'(
I have only one question, why did the Kim family do that?
Great chapter <3
Chapter 14: Kim family so bad!
The last scene tho, it was like a drama wootwoot~
Chapter 13: Oh so Kim's familiy erased their memory :(
Jongie's so sad :(
I didnt expect this fic is going to end, bcuse i really enjoy it so far ;'(
But it's okay with epilogue! Im waitung for the next chap ^^
zurikayo #9
Chapter 13: Oh poor jong ,this must be painful for him also what's his plan? Is he going to leave yeollie with Myungsoo? By the way great chap,I'm a little sad that this fic is going to end soon but I'm curious abut it too ^_^
Chapter 12: why jong have some kind of grunt to Kims family???