4/5 Stars, White Sesame Seed

No Assumptions

Stupid parents for forcing her to join an extracurricular.

Stupid Wendy for roping her in to join the school's lame marching band.

Stupid her for being the last to join and ending up with the friggin triangle.


Now Joy is not shy of putting herself out there, in fact, she is one the most popular girls in her sophomore class.

So why isn't she getting any? She's a girl with a pulse with more personality in her pinkie than Lana Del Rey, come on now.

Ah, that's right. Because her parents called Wendy's parents (damn high school cliques won't die even if they're like 50 year olds) to ask Wendy to get Joy to socialize more. And Wendy, bless her soul for sharing answers with her in trigonometry that one time because now they're like soul sisters, latched on the idea and cleverly convinced Joy to fill up the last space in the school's marching band.

"There will be hot people there."

"There's hot people in the fitness club too."

"Hot girls will notice you."

"SERIOUSLY? YES, BLESS ALL THAT IS GOOD, GIMME HOT GIRLS. Yesssss, I want in on that. I don't want no boy scrubs. SIGN ME UP, SEUNGWAN."

(but Joy really blames this lame marching band (and Wendy) for repelling the ladies.)


Two months, four pep rallies, three games, and zero hot girls asked for her digits. She did, however, noticed many attractive upperclassmen time to time but since she is stuck on the field and the daughters of Aphrodite are on the bleachers, their chemistry can never be bonded (without the right concentration but ugh no, those lame band kids got her into chem now).

So it was then at the end of practice that Joy asked about her dilemma.

"Yo Wendy, you said there'd be hot girls all over me now that I have "marching band" imprinted on me, what gives?"

Wendy nervously puts her flute back in her case as she gets ready to head home. In fact, it was near evening and many extracurriculars today -- track, cheerleading, football, and band -- were all preparing to leave.

"I... I may have... told you things you only wanted to hear."

Wendy looks up to see a flabbergasted Joy, opening and closing with eyes squinting and enlarging like a floundering fish.

Joy stares at Wendy as if the latter told her that hot girls aren't really into marching bands. Oh wait, she just did.

Wendy, feeling the impending doom, quickly damage controls her next words.

"But um, you see! Girls are different from boys. Girls aren't sleazy and they certainly don't churn out pick-up lines, though there are a few. Girls are discreet... sensual even... and these things just take time, you know? Trus-Trust me, girls are definitely into us."

Wendy gauges Joy, she's staring intensely. Oh , is she seeing through her bluff? Um uh um uh...

Wendy roams her eyes on anything to give her inspiration on what she can say next. She really can't lose this genius triangle player (and she's not admitting it. Ever. To anyone. Not even if her idol Taeyeon were to drop by her school and demanded. Ok maybe, but mostly no!)

Aha! Wendy prays this would work.

"See that girl over there on the bleachers? a little to the right in the back?"

Joy squints.

"I think so. Kinda hard to make out all the way from down here. But she's not bad for a white-sesame-seed-looking human. I give that white sesame seed a 4/5 stars. Would recommend on burger buns."

Wendy rolls her eyes, but she continues.

"Okay so, I know her. Well, I know her name. She's in my junior class but I don't really know know her, you know? But I know her enough since we were classmates once or twice. Anyways, she always attends our practices and events, and I also notice that she keeps looking at you. I'm pretty sure, like 95% positive that she likes you. Pretty sure she Facebook stalks you too, I see her on her phone while in class. If she's not at least bi*exual then you can dare me to do whatever you want."

Joy's facial expression is now a calm one with an amused smile. Wendy exhales in relief. She can't believe she said all of that with such conviction. Now, we can just forget all of this and --

Joy runs straight to the bleachers with her uniform intact and her hat magically still in place, and Wendy screams in horror. Oh my god, no Joy no.

Wendy can't bare to handle what is to come, so she gathered her things and split(ed?) like a banana, accidentally bumping into someone that smelled really good, like a homey laundry detergent smell, and she almost got lightheaded and wanted to keep smelling but she remembered that she had to disappear off the face of the earth so she apologized without seeing the other person, on the floor clutching her shoulder, with a lovestruck expression.


Joy wasn't that tactless. Yeah she was running to the bleachers, but not in front of the white sesame seed's line of vision. She ran to the very left of the bleachers' staircase and then promptly power walked to the right and gradually slowed like a smooth heartthrob to meet her 4/5 stars white sesa-- oh crap, this is no seed, this is fire personified, hot damn oh my god she is being scorched right now -- Joy almost tripped over air as she got closer but regained her composure.

The girl was still staring at the field, but Joy noticed she just cracked a smile.

Joy chanced a look too and saw her dumb friend Wendy bumping into a girl, knocking her into the atmosphere and splatting like a pancake, continuing to run as if she didn't crash into a 100-pound-being.

Stupid Wendy but dang that was some fine tackling.

But enough of Wendy, it's Joy's time.

She cleared , "ER HRMNNN"

Hot-Girl-Fire-Personified turned to her and noticed that she was staring at abs, blushed, and looked up to see a face.


Noting the emerging rosy color, Joy begins her wooing.

"It's okay to stare, baby girl, I know you like me and I like you, so let's get on with it. Want my number?"

The girl's face scrunched up in disgust and walked past Joy not without saying,

"I don't even know you."




-mic drops- hehehe because I had milk bubble tea at 18:30 and you know caffeine... and because there's not enough Joy fics!!! Where is the justice? Where is the Joy?!

and I like to shoutout to supersuman for that Percy Jackson AU, I literally just finished reading it so that's how the mythological allusion was there...

Sequel, yes or no? Tell me, that's alright~  I'll continue this. Also just realized my swears were omitted. I made the according changes!


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 3: Hello?????
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 2: Like it
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 1: Hahahahahaha
ZhouXuan #4
Chapter 3: Take my subscribe and upvote
Chapter 3: Author this is gold do you still goint to continue it? :D
Chapter 3: This fic is LYFE! Thank you for making this! I couldn't hold my laughter throughout this whole thing. Your a GENIUS! Grandma bae knows what otp means xD this is just truly amazing, looking forward to reading more of this~ :D
Chapter 3: Omg after school ;______;
ALKimC #8
Chapter 3: Eyyyy the preview looks funny please update yeah :P
Amberlily #9
Chapter 3: I guess Irene is going to have some trouble talking to Wendy, kekeke
flipthecoin #10
Chapter 2: Omfg, bless this fic. Best fic I've read in a while. Absolutely love it! Please keep up the good work!