Way Back To You







A pepero game and meddling friends lead Yoochun and Junsu back to each other.








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365dancejongin #1
Chapter 1: I SHIP Hani and Junsu~~ but I can't stop shipping YooSu either T.T
Chapter 1: Yoosu T.T reading this after knowing Junsu and Hani's relationship :''''( my Yoosu T.T
Chapter 1: Yoosu T.T reading this after knowing Junsu and Hani's relationship :''''( my Yoosu T.T
amlingforu95 #4
Chapter 1: Aww!
Chapter 1: twas cuuute and fluffy
tsubakisworld #6
Chapter 1: Oh my god Sun I really loved it thought I wish IT Would be waaaaaaaaaay longer T^T
Chapter 1: OMG that was so exciting! I was like a child opening her presents at Christmas! And I'm really happy Yoosu worked out their problems and made up YEY!
Camilonchis #8
Chapter 1: This was really fun to read! I loved it :)
Chapter 1: At last Junsu decided to right the wrong. And heal Chun's heart. :D