Chapter 47


“This is the third time in one hour!” Ren complained while sitting up and swinging his legs over to get up again to head to the bathroom. His brother only laughed nearby and he pouted.


“Maybe you’re done with the IV drip then? You’re only peeing so much because you’re hydrated now.” Won Woo pointed out.


“You think so? Because this is getting annoying!” Ren looked up at the half empty bag of fluids.


“Let’s page the nurse.”


“Let me pee first!” Ren was hurrying to the bathroom as quick as he could.


Won Woo shook his head and looked at the empty bed for a moment. He recalled a memory just like this with Soo Min last year. Then he started to have some flashbacks of the times he was here with her over the years and it started to make him feel a little sad. He felt bad about how things were going right now, he was sure Soo Min was worried about the reply he gave her since she didn’t text back. Maybe she got upset all over again? Maybe she thought this was her fault? Damn.


He was so lost in thoughts that he didn’t even hear the door open. “Don’t tell me he… he…” He heard Seungkwan say in a shocked tone while his friends gasped behind him. Won Woo saw the get well balloons and they were holding a bag that probably had snacks in it or something. And Mingyu was holding a cake.


“What the…” he was muttering before Mingyu’s friends started to get really upset!


“Where’s Ren?!” Seungkwan blurted out. “Did he really… did he…” he couldn’t even bring himself to say it.


“I’m in the bathroom!” Ren suddenly shouted from inside. Boo and his squad jumped from being startled and backed away from the door. Won Woo couldn’t help it and laughed, that reaction was priceless.


“Damn, we really thought he was gone!” Soonyoung frowned. “When we walked in you looked so upset!” He added on and gestured to the empty bed.


“Sorry.” Won Woo apologized with a sheepish smile before watching Mingyu come to his side. That’s when the bathroom door opened and out came Ren and his IV drip. Seungkwan and the other two were happy to see him in the flesh now and happily greeted him. Ren was shocked to see them there since they hadn’t properly met and now he couldn’t help but feel touched that they came all this way to wish him a speedy recovery. Mingyu was right, Ren did feel more loved and accepted!


“You really brought a cake?” Won Woo asked after the gag trio got settled on the other empty hospital bed while Mingyu remained by his boyfriend’s side and Ren returned to his own bed.


“Well…” Mingyu gave a cute chuckle.


“Thank you!” Ren beamed. “I love cake!” Won Woo smiled and took the cake from Mingyu so he could place it into Ren’s lap.


“It’s all yours.”


“Wait, what?! Don’t we get any?!” Seungkwan pouted from his spot next to his lovebird friends.


“You brought it for him, didn’t you?” Won Woo laughed.


“I don’t mind sharing!” Ren assured them. “Did you bring any plates or plastic silverware?” Seokmin was the one to stand up and pull the mentioned items out of the bag he was holding earlier. They really had this planned out, huh? “It’s almost like… a party.” Ren started to grin and looked to Won Woo who rolled his eyes, in a funny kind of way.


“You two seem to be getting along very well, I’m glad.” Mingyu said cutely.


“We are.” Won Woo smiled and gestured for his boyfriend to come over and help cut and serve the cake. It was going so well until Mingyu winced while walking over and Won Woo asked him what was wrong.


“I’m okay.”


“Didn’t seem like that a second ago, are you hurt?” Won Woo’s eyes locked onto his stance, his weight was shifted to his left side and his right knee was bent a little, like he was avoiding putting weight on his right foot.


“Oh yeah, he was limping a bit when we left the store earlier but he wouldn't tell us why.” Soonyoung blurted out and Mingyu glared at him while Won Woo wasn’t looking.


“What happened?” Won Woo looked up at him, clear concern in his eyes.


“...” he can’t lie to that face! “I dropped something on it while I was in the store.”


“What was it?” Won Woo looked even more worried. He hoped it wasn’t something serious and Mingyu was just putting up a front! “A can of soup or something?”


“It was heavier than that… about 5lbs.”


“5lbs?” His friends managed to ask in sync and Mingyu sighed in defeat.


“It was a giant chocolate bar.” He said and waited for the laughter to ensue. He could hear his friends struggling while both Ren and Won Woo stared at him like they were trying to process what he just said.


“A giant chocolate bar?” Won Woo asked and Mingyu’s friends couldn’t hold it in anymore. The laughter became contagious and soon Ren and Won Woo were chuckling while Mingyu pouted and was embarrassed. “How did that happen?”


“Well…” Mingyu sighed. “I was helping your friends get it off the top shelf because they couldn’t reach it themselves.”


“They couldn’t reach?” Won Woo was confused for a second before he realized who he was talking about, Ren also realized it as well judging by his expression. “So, you dropped it on your foot?”


“No, they dropped it on my foot!” Mingyu whimpered. “I guess it was too heavy for them!”


“Wow… they really need to start lifting some weights.” Ren snickered, he was remembering when Jihoon nearly dropped the tray of drinks earlier at the burger joint.


“Does it hurt a lot?” Won Woo asked now that he understood what happened.


“It’s just sore.” Mingyu assured him. “I probably shouldn’t have kept walking on it though, it probably swelled a bit.” He muttered while looking down to his shoe. He could feel a bit of tightness around the top half of his foot that indicated the swelling he mentioned.


“You should elevate it!” Soonyoung blurted out and gestured for Mingyu to walk over to lie on the other hospital bed. “Ice! Ice! He needs ice!”


“Wait!” Mingyu pouted. “I can’t just lie in the bed, I’m not a patient!”


“But your father owns this hospital!” Seungkwan pointed out and that stunned both Ren and Won Woo, they thought his father was simply a doctor at this hospital. No wonder why Ren got his own room to recover in, if they were any other patient, they would still be stuck in one of the exam rooms back in the urgent care clinic, getting his own recovery room wouldn’t have been this easy..


Just then, the door opened and everyone turned to see Dr. Kim walk in. He was surprised to see Ren had visitors already and smiled when he saw his son. “Hello, sorry, I don’t mean to interrupt the party.” He said with a small chuckle. “I just came to check on Mr. Choi and his condition.”


Won Woo stepped out of Dr. Kim’s way and joined Mingyu and his friends on the other side of the bed. They all remained quiet while the doctor did his thing and Ren felt slightly embarrassed that he basically had an audience watching him right now.


“You’re doing much better than earlier, that’s good. We’ll let this bag of fluids finish its course and then you should be done in about thirty minutes or so.”


“Thank you.” Ren smiled before his eyes panned over to his audience.


“So… are these some of your fans?” Dr. Kim asked with a small chuckle. “I suppose my son is a fan too, huh?”


“No, they’re new friends of mine.” Ren explained with a snicker. He was always amused when people made out like he really was some super famous person when he’s not, or at least, not yet.


“They’ve come to wish you well? How nice.” Dr. Kim smiled warmly. “Usually we only allow 3-5 visitors at a time, but we’ll just keep this our little secret. Try not to get caught by the other nurses, alright?”


Roger that yes sir!” The gag trio nodded in sync and Mingyu was about to facepalm until his father asked him to talk outside for a moment. He nodded and made his way to the door and made sure not to show that his foot was hurting, but he supposed his father could see right through his front from the way he walked down the hallway with him to chat near the vending machines by the elevators down the hallway. His father was going to grab a snack before heading back to his office, but he wanted to greet his son properly before leaving.


“What did you do this time?” His father asked with a hint of laughter when his son pouted at him. Mingyu tended to get hurt a few times while growing up from being a klutz, but he’s improved a lot since then.  


“I didn’t do anything.” He sighed. “It was just a little mishap… I was handing something heavy off to someone who couldn’t handle it and it dropped on my foot.” He figured he might as well tell his father before his friends do. “It was a giant 5lb candy bar, but to be fair, it was in a box and it fell at an angle!”


“I believe you.” His father tried to say with a straight face but Mingyu knew he wanted to laugh just like his friends. To be honest, it did sound pretty silly so he can’t really blame them for wanting to laugh. “You should take it easy, don’t stand on it too much and elevate it. I’ll get a nurse to bring an ice pack to the room.”


“Okay. Thanks.” Mingyu nodded and shifted his weight to his left side to be more comfortable. “Was there anything else you needed to say to me?”


“Hmm…” his father thought about it and Mingyu frowned.


“You forgot?!” Mingyu gawked at him. His father must be so overworked! At that moment, Won Woo had exited Ren’s recovery room to see about getting a snack from the vending machine near the elevators down the hallway, but he didn’t expect for Mingyu and his father to be chatting there and quickly hid around the corner and unintentionally eavesdropped on their conversation.


“Ah, I was going to ask how you’ve been since we last met?” His father smiled. “Did that jerk ever notice you?”


“Don’t call him that!” Mingyu complained. “He’s not a jerk!”


“Sorry, I meant idiot.”




“I’m kidding! You know I care a lot about you, you seemed so upset and lonely last time when you talked about this guy, of course I’m going get protective.” Mingyu’s father said while patting his son on the shoulder. “I know he must be a good guy if you like him so much, I just can’t help but get protective. I don’t want to see you getting hurt again.” This was probably why he had been so hesitant talking about his son’s love life. Mingyu got hurt in his last relationship and even if it was about two years ago, his father could never forget that. Just like any father would protect their precious daughter, he was going to protect his precious son. That meant, any man was a jerk and an idiot when it comes to dating his son until proven otherwise!


“I know…”


“If you tell me his name, maybe I won’t have to keep calling him a jerk or an idiot.” His father chuckled and Mingyu paused for a second before giving a sheepish laugh. “You’re still not going to tell me?”


“Not yet.” Mingyu shook his head.


“Well, can’t you give me a spoiler to tide me over? He still hasn’t noticed you?” His father seemed worried about the answer, but seeing Mingyu smile and silently nod, he was relieved. “Good. Remember to use condoms and be safe. Don’t get pregnant.”


“Dad! Oh my god!” Mingyu thought they were having such a sweet moment until his dad ruined it. His father only laughed before telling him he needed to get back to work and wished him well on his journey to loving someone again. Now that was sweet. Mingyu took a moment to breathe before heading back. When he turned around the corner, he saw Won Woo standing there looking conflicted about something. “You scared me!”


“Sorry.” Won Woo apologized with a faint smile.


“What’s wrong?” Mingyu noticed and then he realized… “Did you hear all of that just now?”


“... I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, really!” Won Woo waved his hands in the air and looked so apologetic, it made Mingyu chuckle, he looked so cute when he was animated like that. There were a few seconds of silence before he sighed and looked up at Mingyu with a sad smile. “Sorry for being a jerk… and an idiot.”


“You’re not.” Mingyu sighed and reached out to take one of Won Woo’s hand into his. “My dad is just overprotective ever since my last relationship. He calls any guy who gets near me that way. Everyone’s a jerk until proven otherwise.”


“I suppose I can understand where he’s coming from.” Won Woo snickered. “I used to be that way after Soo Min’s first breakup.”


“See!” Mingyu laughed. “So don’t worry about it, okay?”


“Alright.” Won Woo nodded and managed a stronger smile this time. It faltered a bit when he realized Mingyu wasn’t going to hug him or give him any kind of affection since they were in a public place, especially his father’s work place. It was probably the first time he wished Mingyu would hug him or kiss him and he started to blush at those feelings.


“What is it?” Mingyu asked after catching him staring at his shoulder with a mixed expression, like he was disappointed and wanting something.


“Nothing.” Won Woo quickly answered and passed him to get to the vending machines. “I remember I came this way for a snack.” He added and pulled his wallet out. Mingyu smiled and came up behind him to look at the snacks with him. “Did you want one?”


“Sure.” Mingyu nodded cutely before reaching out to punch in the code for the snack he wanted, but of course he made sure to stay behind Won Woo while doing so. Like one of those cliché scenes out of a kdrama or a movie. Won Woo definitely got flustered but didn’t complain too much, he liked how close his boyfriend was right now and took a second to enjoy it.


After Won Woo punched in the code for his, he grabbed them from the opening at the bottom and pulled them out. He turned to face Mingyu who was still quiet close. “There’s three?” Won Woo muttered when he looked at the three different bags of chips. “I don’t think I paid for a third one?”


“Ah! There they are!” Suddenly they heard Dr. Kim’s voice. “I got to my office and realized I forgot to grab my snack after buying it!” He said while pointing to the third bag Won Woo was questioning about. Won Woo was completely shocked and suddenly froze up in the doctor’s presence. “Thank you!” He said after taking his snack from Won Woo and looked to Mingyu who seemed pretty shocked and flustered to see his father so soon as well, especially with Won Woo in the room. “New friend of yours?”


“Uh, yeah! Ren introduced us.” Mingyu replied with a small stutter and his father looked at him a bit weird before smiling and greeting Won Woo.


“Right, you’re Ren’s brother? Nice to meet you…?”


“Won Woo.” He managed to answer. “Jeon Won Woo.”


“I’m happy to meet you, Won Woo.” He said with a sincere smile and Won Woo was a bit stunned since he didn’t really expect that from him right away. “Look after your brother well, okay?”


“Yes.” Won Woo nodded and bowed a little.


“I really should get going, let’s meet again soon, okay?” Dr. Kim grinned with a small wave and then he was off again.


“Does he know?” Won Woo asked with worry. Not like it would be a bad thing, it was just… he didn’t expect to meet Mingyu’s father this way. It seemed so sudden and unplanned. “Or did he only say that because of Ren?”


“I’m not sure, but don’t worry about it too much, okay?” Mingyu said with a worried chuckle of his own. “Let’s head back to the room now?” Won Woo was in agreement and followed after Mingyu from a safe distance this time. Mingyu noticed and laughed but he understood at least.



It had been nearly twenty minutes since Minghao was checked in and he was just called by the doctor to the exam room. Unfortunately, Jisoo and Junhui were told to wait in the waiting area but at least Minghao didn’t seem too nervous about being by himself. He took on two grown men in a fight, surely he can talk to this doctor by himself, too. His visit was probably going to take some time since chances were they were going to order x rays to make sure his wrist and ankle were okay. They were looking at maybe two hours, maybe even three depending on how many patients were before Minghao. They had to be patient though since there is only so much one doctor can do for a set of patients, and it wasn’t like they had more than five doctors on staff either.


This was mainly one of the reasons why Soo Min didn’t like coming to the hospital. Everything took too long and she always got sleepy from waiting too long. She hadn’t left to go visit Ren yet and she wondered if he was even here anymore? No, she knew he was still here, otherwise Jihoon would have returned to her or Baekho would have texted her. Just the thought of getting up and walking around to find the room he was staying in just didn’t sound fun to her right now. She was feeling drained and tired while leaning against Jeonghan’s shoulder. At some point Soo Min’s eyes fluttered shut and that’s when she heard Seungcheol speak up.

“Maybe we should take her home?” He suggested to Jeonghan who was confused before looking at his girlfriend leaning on his shoulder. He could easily tell she was tired and he worried. Maybe that would be a good idea in the end.

“You’re tired.” He said while gently pushing her off to sit up straight in her seat. “You should go home, you can’t sleep here like this.”

“I’m fine.” She protested and lightly slapped her cheeks as if to wake herself up. “I can’t go home now. I haven’t seen Ren yet. I’m not going home until I’ve seen him…”

“Maybe she needs an energy boost or something? Like a snack or a soda?” Seungcheol mentioned while eyeing the vending machines a few feet away from where they were sitting in the waiting room.

“I think that will help.” Soo Min agreed and got up to see what her options were. Luckily, she had some cash on her to use and picked a small bag of chips and a coke. Usually she’d pick a sprite, but the point was to get some energy and sprite didn’t have caffeine in it, so that wouldn’t help. Holding the bottle of coke in her hands started to remind her of that night when she bumped into Ren at the convenience store. That talk they had and when he called her his little sister. The emotions started to stir up again and she could feel the sting in the back of her eyes once again.

“What’s wrong?” She heard Jeonghan ask while gently resting his hand onto her shoulder. She was standing at the vending machine for a long time and he worried if she was about to knock out while standing up or something.

“I think I’m going to go visit them now.” She muttered while pulling out her phone to compose a text. She felt like she should have someone come walk her over just so she doesn’t get lost and cause everyone trouble trying to find her later. That’s the last thing she needed, to have everyone searching for her like a lost child in the store.

“Do you want me to come with you?” Jeonghan asked and she thought about it. As much as she didn’t mind if he did, she could tell Jisoo looked pretty stressed from the situation with Minghao.

“No, that’s okay. I think Jisoo needs you right now.” She said with a small smile. “Thanks, though.”

“I’ll be here then.” He gave her a warm smile and gave a small kiss to her forehead before returning to his seat next to Seungcheol. Soo Min gave Jisoo and Junhui a small wave before heading out of the waiting area.

“Where is she going? To the bathroom?” Junhui asked towards Jeonghan.

“She said she was going to go visit with them, I assume Ren and Won Woo.” He answered.

“Will she be okay?” Seungcheol seemed just as worried as Jeonghan.

“She will be.” Jeonghan tried to say positively. He knew Jihoon would be up there with her if she needed it.  A moment later, Junhui mentioned he was going to grab a snack as well and got up to head over to the vending machines. Seungcheol mentioned he needed the bathroom and so that left Jisoo and Jeonghan alone.


“Of course.” Jisoo snickered quietly when he noticed the situation at hand and when Jeonghan moved over to sit next to him.

“What?” Jeonghan asked with a confused tone and Jisoo assured him it was nothing. “How are you feeling?”


“Uh…” Jisoo paused for a second and had to remind himself that Jeonghan was probably asking about the situation with Minghao. “I’m sure he’s going to be okay. I just feel bad that this even happened.”


“It’s pretty unexpected.” Jeonghan nodded in agreement. “At least you’re staying positive about it.” He added and brought his hand up to give him a gentle pat on his back. Jisoo tensed up a little at the sudden touch but relaxed quickly when Jeonghan kept his hand there, almost like he had noticed and kept his hand there in hopes to calm him down. “What should we do about dinner now?”


“I’m not sure.” Jisoo did a light shrug. “It’s obvious Soo Min isn’t cooking anymore, right?”


“Yeah, I guess not.” He frowned and Jisoo knew he was probably worried about her, of course he would be and he shouldn’t be bothered by that. He really wasn’t, honestly.


“We’ll think of something when everything has settled down.” Jisoo said positively. “Be patient, okay?”


“Alright.” Jeonghan managed a small smile and shifted in his seat so he could lay his head on Jisoo’s shoulder.


“Old man Jeonghan in need of another nap?” Jisoo chuckled when Jeonghan whined a bit. “It’s fine, just sleep.” He said softly and relaxed his shoulder to make it more comfortable for his friend. Even though he heard them telling Soo Min not to sleep that way, Jeonghan had done this many times before and never had a problem, so he was fine. When Junhui returned to his seat next to Jisoo, he noticed Jeonghan sleeping on Jisoo’s shoulder.


“Wow… he sure sleeps fast.” Junhui whispered.

“It’s his talent.” Jisoo said with a light chuckle. They didn’t want to wake the Sleeping Beauty, so they remained quiet and made sure Seungcheol was quiet when returning to the waiting area. They continued to wait quietly after that.





Note: the time of these scenes aren’t necessarily happening right after each other, I just wanted to balance the scenes a bit so it wasn’t two similar scenes right after each other. Sincerely, your picky AF author-nim :D 

ALSO, BOOSEOKSOON DEBUT IS COMING FOR US ALL! BRACE YOURSELVES~! I shall try to do BooSeokSoon scenes to celebrate later in a few chapters~! ^^

P.S sorry if it went fast and was anticlimactic. >.>




“There you are!” Minhyun exclaimed and rushed over to his boyfriend’s bedside after entering Ren’s recovery room. “Oh baby…” he frowned at the IV still attached to Ren’s left arm.


“I’m okay!” Ren assured him with a small smile. Then he noticed his other friends pile in and he was happy to see them, but then he noticed another familiar face and smiled when Jihoon came over to greet him. He got smacked on the shoulder and Ren pouted. “Why?!”


“I told you not to get sick, didn’t I?” Jihoon scolded.


“Sorry, I didn’t do it on purpose!” Ren complained and the others laughed, the poor guy was getting scoldings instead of sympathy lately.


“Hey~! Looks like we came just in time for the cake!” Aron blurted out after everyone greeted each other.


“Is there even enough for all of us?” JR pointed out and everyone looked at the small cake.


“Maybe if we cut it into bite size pieces?” Aron suggested and Ren face palmed before apologizing to the others. “Everyone’s not exactly here, so we should save some for the others, right?”


“The others?” Ren asked and Aron look to Jihoon which made Ren also look at him.


“Soo Min’s with Jeonghan and the others in the urgent care waiting room. One of our younger friends got hurt, we ran into them when we got here.”


“Was it Chan?” Won Woo frowned when he heard younger friend.


“No, Jisoo and Jun’s roommate, Minghao.” Jihoon clarified.


“That’s unfortunate, but he’s going to be alright?” Seokmin asked among the small crowd. There were WAY TOO MANY PEOPLE IN HERE.


“He should be fine.” Jihoon nodded.


“That’s good.” Minhyun smiled before looking to Ren. “I’m glad you’re fine, too.”


“I should be.” Ren snickered. “I’ve been here for how long now?” He looked to Won Woo.


“Since noon.” He answered. “About five hours now.”


“Healing takes time!” Baekho pointed out with a warm smile. “Don’t rush it.”


“But… I’m getting hungry!” Ren pouted.


“Is there anything you want to eat? I’ll go get it for you.” Minhyun asked while holding his boyfriend’s hand.


“I’m hungry for kimchi jjigae.” Ren said softly and the room became silent. Mainly because half of them knew Soo Min was making that for dinner tonight and the other half had no idea why everyone else was so quiet.


“How about this Choco Pie?” Baekho asked and pulled it out from his coat pocket. “Soo Min brought them on the car ride over.”


Ren stared at it for a few seconds before he accepted it with a small smile. “Your original Choco Pie accidentally jumped out the window on the way here into the busy streets of Seoul, may it rest in peace and arrive to Choco Pie heaven safely.” Aron said and lowered his head with closed eyes. A few seconds passed and the gag trio did the same and made the rest laugh at how ridiculous that was.


When their laughter died down, they heard someone approaching the door and Mingyu told everyone but Won Woo, Minhyun and Jihoon to hide. They scattered around for a few seconds until they all rushed to hide in the bathroom. They knew if they tried to hide behind the curtain of the other patient area, they’d be caught. What if they were bringing in a new patient, they’d be so screwed. Luckily, it was just the nurse from before bringing an ice pack.


“Thanks.” Won Woo accepted it from her and she was about to leave the room but suddenly stopped and looked towards the bathroom with a suspicious look. The other four paused and held their breath until she continued to leave the room. “That was close.” Won Woo sighed first and the others followed suit. “You guys can come out now.” He said and opened the door. They all started to pile out, but too quickly and they all ended up tripping over each other and caused a small trainwreck. Ren and Minhyun held in their laughter while Jihoon face palmed and Won Woo chuckled at the sight. What a mess! At least no one was hurt.


After everyone helped each other up and returned to their spots from before, Mingyu’s friends pestered him about lying down to ice his foot and he told them he was fine and he’d wait until they leave. Aron and JR helped themselves to their pieces of cake that was never handed out to them because of the nurse bringing the ice pack for Mingyu. Minhyun, Baekho and Jihoon were talking to Ren about his stay in the hospital when Won Woo’s pulled out his phone to check if he missed any texts or calls during that whole ordeal earlier. He paused for a second when he saw he missed a text from Soo Min nearly SEVENTEEN minutes ago.


Soo Min: Hey, can you come to the urgent care waiting area?

I’d come find the room you guys are in by myself but I know

I’m going to get lost if I do, haha.

Won Woo stood up quickly after reading that text and he startled the others.

“What’s wrong?” Seungkwan asked.

“Oh, sorry.” He apologized after sending off his late reply that he’d be right there. “That was Soo Min, she said she needs help getting to this room.” He added and glanced to Ren who seemed nervous now.

“She needs help? Did she get hurt after leaving the store?” Soonyoung frowned and looked to Jihoon for an answer since they knew he was with her that whole time. He shook his head in reply.

“No.” Won Woo chuckled. “She’d probably get lost if she tried to find the room on her own.” He explained. “So, I’m going down to get her.”

“Okay! Sounds good!” Seokmin beamed and gave a thumbs up while he was at it. When Won Woo stood there looking at them, they noticed and asked what was wrong?

“Right.” Jihoon spoke up. “Maybe it’s time for us to go.”

“Leave? Why so soon?!” Seungkwan pouted, he just started chatting with Ren and instantly got attached to the older model, it was quite adorable actually! They seemed to be clicking quiet well and quickly discovered they both had a Diva side to them.

“I’m sure everyone is getting hungry, right? Let’s go eat dinner!” Mingyu suggested with a sheepish smile.

“Can’t we wait until Ren’s discharged from here?” Soonyoung asked with a pout. It was kind of bittersweet how everyone wanted to eat together, but right now wasn’t a good time. Jihoon was struggling on ways to get them out without having to be blunt about the situation, Won Woo and Mingyu were struggling as well, because the issue was between Ren, Soo Min and Won Woo. They didn’t need everyone here when they meet with each other.

“We can all eat dinner together another day when everyone is healthy.” Minhyun spoke up. “Ren needs to rest when he’s done here.”

“Right.” The gag trio nodded and was finally understanding now.

“Visiting hours are almost over, we should let Soo Min have a turn to visit Ren.” Aron pointed out. At least Mingyu’s friends didn’t say anything about ‘why couldn’t they stay while she visits’, maybe they started to get the hint?

“Of course!” Yes, they really understood now. “Then we’ll go now. Feel better, Ren!” Seungkwan said with a warm smile and Ren smiled and thanked him.

“I’ll go with them.” Mingyu mentioned to Won Woo. “Text me later, okay?”

“I will.” Won Woo nodded and they shared a quick hug, finally, and Won Woo was happy. Then Mingyu and his friends were gone after piling out of the room.

“We’ll go eat dinner and I’ll come back for you, okay?” Minhyun said to Ren who nodded in reply. They shared a quick goodbye kiss and then they were also gone after piling out of the room. That left Ren, Won Woo and Jihoon in the room.

“I’ll go check on Jeonghan and the others at the urgent care clinic. Just text me when you’re done with your treatment.” He said to Ren who nodded. “Let me know how it goes?” His question was towards Won Woo this time.

“Of course.” Won Woo nodded. Jihoon gave him a pat on his arm before exiting the room.


Meanwhile… outside of the recovery room…


Soo Min had just walked up to Ren’s recovery room and was glad she didn’t get lost after asking for directions from a doctor who was eating a bag of chips. She couldn’t imagine if she actually got lost. She took a deep breath and was about to knock on the door but it opened and she stepped back.


“Oh! Miss Soo Min!” Baekho greeted. “I’m glad you’re here now! We’re leaving now, so please take your time visiting Ren.”


“Thank you.” She managed to say and gave a weak smile. She stepped out of the way so he could exit the room, then Minhyun came out and gave her a warm smile and wished her luck. She thanked him as well. Then Aron was next, he also wished her luck and she thanked him. Even JR too. Now was her turn to walk in, right?


“Oh! You’re here!” Mingyu’s voice and smile greeted her and she was a little stunned at first but managed to nod with a small chuckle. “It’ll be okay, don’t worry.” He assured her with a gentle pat to her shoulder. “We were just leaving, so take your time visiting Ren.”


“Thanks.” Baekho had just said that a moment ago and she was amused. He said a small goodbye and exited the room and then his friends piled out of the room to greet Soo Min as well. The BooSeokSoon trio.


“Nice to see you again so soon, noona!” Seungkwan smiled brightly.


“Whatever’s going on, good luck with it!” Soonyoung said with a thumbs up and she appreciated that.


“We hope it goes well for you.” Seokmin added on. “If you find yourself down about anything, you know where to find us! We’ll turn that frown upside down in no time!”


“Thank you.” She was definitely not frowning now. “I’ll come find you three if I need it.”


“We’ll be waiting!” The three chimed before saying their goodbye and caught up to Mingyu down the hallway who gave her an apologetic smile, as if they burdened her or something while he wasn’t present. She thought it was cute after recalling earlier at the store when Soonyoung reacted dramatically from getting hit by the shopping cart. She’d be sure to tell Mingyu that his friends were being sweet just now, that’s all.


Surely that was everyone, right? She thought before turning to see Jihoon stepping out of the room. “How big is this room anyway? At least twenty people came out just now.” She snickered while looking down the hallway where everyone disappeared off to and he laughed at her comment.

When he came out, he was surprised to see Soo Min standing a few feet away from the door. She was fidgeting with the bag of chips and soda in her hands while waiting. “Hey.” He greeted her when he was done laughing and she looked his way with a weak smile.

“I didn’t get lost.” She sighed, she was clearly nervous now. It was like she went through several levels to get here and it was the final one. Like Jihoon was the final boss. “I mean, I did have to ask for directions but you know… I managed to remember those directions.”

“I’m proud of you.” He chuckled and came over to give her a pat on the head. She pouted but didn’t smack his hand away this time, only because she was holding stuff and it would be just her luck if she tossed her soda down the hallway and it explodes. “It’s okay. Don’t worry, they’re going to understand.” He said quietly in hopes his words would help her not chicken out last second. “You don’t need to say a whole speech about all of this, unless you already prepared one.”

“No.” She dropped her head in defeat and he laughed.

“That’s fine. Just go in there.” He said and gave her a small push to the door. “I’ll be in the waiting room with the others for now.”

“Okay.” She nodded and gave a small wave with her bag of chips. She was going to open the door, but it opened on its own and she backed up a few steps before Won Woo could bump into her. He was surprised to see here standing there. “Sorry!” She apologized.

“It’s okay!” He assured her and looked down the hall to see Jihoon standing there. He gave a simple wave and a smile before turning to leave down the hallway. “I guess I took too long on coming to get you, sorry.” He said while opening the door wider for her to walk in.

“That’s fine. I asked a doctor for some directions and managed to remember it and not get lost.” She said while walking into the room. Once she was in, she looked to the bed and saw it was empty. “Did I take too long coming up here?” She frowned and turned towards Won Woo who looked confused for a second. Was he among all the people leaving this room and I didn’t notice?! Just then.

“I’m in the bathroom!” Ren called out and Won Woo snickered. Seemed like everyone had bad timing when coming in to visit Ren today.

“Oh, right.” She chuckled. “I know what that’s like.”

“He’s almost done with the treatment.” Won Woo explained and gestured for her to move away from the bathroom door so she wouldn’t get hit for real this time.

“That’s good.” She muttered and kept her gaze locked onto her snack and soda. She was getting anxious now that she was standing in front of Won Woo, Ren would be coming out of the bathroom in a minute. She understood she didn’t need to say a giant speech like Jihoon said, but at the same time she hated how she didn’t really know what to say either, other than- “I’m sorry.”

“For what?” Won Woo frowned. He hated to see her this way and it was breaking his heart. “You did nothing wrong.”


“Stop. You did nothing wrong, okay?” Won Woo cut her off before pulling her over for a hug. “What happened was unexpected, but you don’t need to be sorry for feeling what you did. We both reacted differently and that’s okay.”

“But…” she said softly after parting from him, she looked so guilty and upset, she could probably cry any second now. In that moment, Ren exited the bathroom and he looked just as guilty and upset as her. She looked at him before looking away. There was a long silence between the siblings and it definitely wasn’t a comfortable silence like they were used to. Someone had to say something. Ren was thinking of what to say and so was Won Woo, but Soo Min was the first to speak in the end.


“My feelings are really conflicted. Before, I really did think about the idea of us being siblings and how nice it would be if it were true, but then you told me things that pointed to it being true and I suddenly felt so differently about it. I didn’t know why and that’s why I ran away.” She began to explain herself and the other two listened closely.


“I went to class and I talked to my friend because she was worried about me. I told her what happened and she thought it was exciting and cool that we might be siblings. I figured it would be like that but I just didn’t understand why I couldn’t feel like that too? And then she said it. She said it and it made sense. She said maybe I was disappointed because it wasn’t Won Woo who turned out to be my brother.” It was hard to look up at Ren, she knew he was going to be hurt to hear that from the sister he’s always wanted. “I thought selfishly about how it would have been easier if it were Won Woo. And I really hate how selfish I was being about it, I didn’t even want to face Won Woo either, I felt so horrible…”

Both Ren and Won Woo stood there, listening to her and their hearts were breaking the entire time. She was going through so much with this and struggling. Won Woo accepted the truth so easily because he really thought about it and so did Ren, he always wanted siblings while growing up and to know he did have siblings, of course he was ready to accept them with open arms. Soo Min has been with Won Woo since a very young age, and he practically filled that role of an older brother. To hear she did have a brother but it wasn’t Won Woo seemed kind of unfair to her. Why couldn’t it be Won Woo? Everyone truly is different.

“I talked to my cousin Hyungwon last night while I was at Min Ji’s, because her older brother is friends with him. He finally answered me when I asked for the truth. I asked him if it’s true, if my father is your father and he nodded yes. I don’t know if I was hoping for a yes or a no, but after knowing it, it’s gotten easier to think about and accept. Calling you my brother is becoming more natural and I’m starting to feel like I did before, when I thought it was nice… because it is nice.” She struggled to smile because she was still overwhelmed with emotions, but she was happy to see Ren give her a tearful smile. “I’m really sorry for reacting the way I did yesterday, I know you were probably hurt from that. I hope you can forgive me…”

“Of course!” Ren blurted out with a that heartbroken expression. “I know you didn’t do it intentionally.”

“You needed space and time to think. We understand.” Won Woo pointed out with a sad smile. “So, don’t beat yourself up about it, okay?”

“I try not to, but it’s hard.” She caught a tear with the back of her wrist, causing her to hold up the bottle of coke she brought with her and Ren let out a soft gasp and he muttered the word ‘cola’ and that caused the other two to chuckle at that. The difficult part was over now, it was nice that he lightened the mood up with that. “Do you want some?” She asked with a small sniffle. “Wait, can he drink this while still on the IV drip?” She asked to Won Woo who shrugged in reply, he really had no idea.

“I think the treatment is nearly done, we should page the nurse.” Won Woo suggested and gestured for Ren to go sit on the bed. “Quit crying or they’re going to give you more fluids, and they’ll start you on an IV, too.” Won Woo scolded the two and Ren snickered.

“He’s so mean!” He complained to Soo Min who only giggled. “Is he always like this?!”

“Pretty much.” She nodded. “But it’s with love.” She added with a small smile. Won Woo scowled at those words, obviously because it was true and he was embarrassed and Ren knew that. It was cute! “You’re feeling better now, right?” She asked after stepping CLOSER to his bedside. Won Woo had paged the nurse already and stepped away from the IV drip to stand next to Soo Min.

“I am.” Ren nodded to her question. “I can’t wait to stop peeing every two seconds.”

“I can’t wait to stop hearing you complain about that every two seconds.” Won Woo teased and Ren pouted at him. “Seriously, for the last six hours!” He added.

“Wow, six hours, huh? I was here for seven last time, one more hour than you.” She said so casually and Ren did a mix of a snicker and rolling his eyes because it sounded like she was trying to top his situation.

“Okay you two, it’s not a competition.” Won Woo joked and they laughed.

Finally, the nurse came in and checked Ren’s vitals before agreeing that he was done with his treatment and he was free to go after taking the IV drip out. “Don’t watch.” Soo Min blurted out and caught Ren’s attention. “It’s scary!” She added on with a horrified look.

“What?!” Ren frowned and looked to Won Woo.

“Yeah, don’t watch.” He shook his head with a concerned expression.

“Is it really that scar-“ he was asking to the nurse and he glanced down and saw the needle come out. He suddenly felt like he could faint it looked so creepy the way it looked. (it’s hard to explain but just know it looked creepy and I didn’t like it at all!)

“I told you not to watch!” Soo Min hit him lightly on his shoulder and he pouted.


“Apply pressure to stop the bleeding.” The nurse instructed to Ren who nodded and did as he was told after she put the cotton ball and band-aid to it. “Wait a few minutes and then you can go.” She added with a warm smile.

“Thank you.” Won Woo said and opened the door for her to leave.

“You have to press harder than that.” Soo Min said and reached out to press his fingers more firmly against the small wound. “Ah, let me do it.” She swatted his hand away and used her thumb to press against the cotton ball and latched her fingers around the back of his elbow.

“Nurse Chae in the room.” Won Woo joked. “Your boyfriend said he was coming back, right?” He asked to Ren who simply nodded. “So, I guess we should start saying goodbye, right?” He pointed out and instantly the other two’s moods started to drop, they looked so disappointed and sad. “Or we don’t have to.” He snickered.

“Did you get my text earlier?” Soo Min asked to Ren who thought about it for a second and shook his head no. He shifted in his spot so he could pull out his phone from his pant pocket. “This was before I heard you were in the hospital, though.” She warned him while he was unlocking his screen.

He opened his messages and read her message and then looked at her with mixed emotions. He was probably going to cry again. “You were going to make my favorite stew for dinner?”

“Yeah.” She nodded with an embarrassed chuckle. “I still can, Jihoon and I did the shopping for it before this, though it won’t be ready until later since I haven’t started it.” She added with a small pout.

“That’s fine.” Won Woo spoke up. “Why don’t we do it properly tomorrow?”

“Yeah, Won Woo’s right. You should rest after this. Tomorrow will be a new day.”

“Alright, sounds good.” Ren nodded with a weak smile, there was no need to be in a rush. It was hard to believe how quick that encounter went, it was sort of anticlimactic(lol) but at least it was over with and Soo Min got to say what she need to say and the other two fully understood her actions and feeling about the whole thing. It was nice to hear she was more accepting of the truth this time and not in denial. The siblings could really move on after this now. They could really start getting to know each other and living side by side.

Shortly after planning out tomorrow’s dinner with Ren, it was time to finally leave. Won Woo volunteered to go double check if Ren was good to go and that left Soo Min alone with him. There’s was silence between them, Ren was examining his arm while Soo Min tried to think of what to say to him while they’re alone. There was a lot to say, naturally, but it was hard for her to come up with the words or what to say first. The one thing that was on her mind right now was about their father, the topic that started all of this.


“Uhm… Ren?” She managed to speak up. He looked her way with a small nod in reply. “Well… now that we’re over that drama, uhm, what do you plan to do next?”


“To do next?” He repeated softly.


“You know…” she trailed off. “Do you want to meet our dad?” She could see his expression freeze and he thought about that. “I mean, you don’t have to rush it. I was just curious since uh, we’re going to L.A after our midterms and won’t be back for a least a week.”


“Right, Mingyu said you guys were going to L.A. to visit Won Woo’s father for his birthday.”


“Yes.” She confirmed. “So… our dad is going as well.”


“I see.” He let out a small sigh before continuing. “Actually, I planned to go to L.A after midterms as well. For two reasons. The first being a DNA test.” He could see her look at him confused and he gave a sheepish smile. “This was before we got the truth confirmed.”




“And now that I think about it, the DNA test wouldn’t have worked with the samples Aron got. We forgot these are fake.” He said while tugging on a few strands of his long hair.




“Tape in extensions.” He nodded. She just stared at him now and he expected that.


“I don’t understand.” She said while tugging on her own hair. She even walked up to him and tugged on his hair it to see if there was even a difference between their hair, real vs fake.


“Not too hard or they’ll come out!” He pouted and she flinched from his sudden scolding.


“Sorry!” She apologized and he reached out to tug on her hair as if it was like payback, but he didn’t do it too hard like she did. He even laughed and she smiled. It was like a sibling moment between them and it was nice. “So, uh, what’s the second reason you were going to L.A?” She managed to ask after imagining him with short hair.


“... my birth mother.” The room fell silent once again. “I haven’t decided if I’m going to meet with her yet. My mom, Rina, told me to let her know if I decide on it.”


“Right. I suppose that’s a big decision to make.” Ren was in agreement. “I think you should do it. Even if you’re nervous, you’ll have to face them sooner or later. I plan to confront our dad soon, I know there’s no way I can pretend none of this happened while on vacation in L.A. I’d like to enjoy my time there, so I hope to do it before L.A. I know we have midterms, but then when is it ever a good time, you know?”


“You’re right.” He agreed.  


“So… yeah. Take it easy and don’t end up here a second time, okay?” She said with a hint of teasing and he pouted.


“I’ll do my best.” He simply said before Won Woo returned to the room.


“You’re all good to go.” Won Woo said with a thumbs up and he noticed the two had been talking. “Sorry, did I interrupt?”


“No, I was just telling our brother to take care of himself and not to end up here a second time.” Soo Min answered and Ren continued to pout.


“You should listen to your own words as well.” Won Woo warned and she recalled earlier when Junhui pointed out she wasn’t looking well.


“I know!” She was pouting now and Ren had a bittersweet smile on his lips.


“Let’s get going now.” Won Woo suggested and the other two were in agreement and followed him out of the recovery room. When they made it back down to the urgent care clinic waiting room, Jihoon was the first to come greet them followed by Jeonghan.

“Is everything okay now?” He asked and looked between the three. It looked like things went well since Soo Min was standing close to Ren and didn’t look stressed anymore, Ren too. Even Won Woo. They looked happy.


“Everything is fine now.” Ren said with a warm smile, he had more color in his face again and overall looked more healthy than earlier.


“Good.” Jeonghan said with a relieved smile of his own and that’s when Ren paused and looked at him, like he was suddenly nervous. “Right, I don’t think we’ve properly met before?” He chuckled. “I’m Soo Min’s boyfriend, Jeonghan.”


“I’m Ren, Soo Min’s and Won Woo’s brother.”


“Please get along well.” Soo Min chuckled and it took a second for them to understand why she said that. She was hinting at how sometimes brothers were over protective of their sister and would give the boyfriend a difficult time about it. Won Woo’s been doing that already, Jihoon as well… and now there’s Ren!


“Better watch out, it’ll be three against one now.” Jihoon pointed out with a chuckle of his own. Jeonghan let out a nervous laugh at those words and Ren assured him that it would be fine.  


Minhyun happened to return to the hospital a moment later and introduced himself to Jeonghan and the others after greeting Ren. There wasn’t a lot to say, but at the same time, there was a lot to say. The timing just wasn’t right and so Minhyun suggested they all meet up soon so they could talk properly.


Everyone was in agreement and with that, he was ready to take Ren home, but Jihoon spoke up and asked if he could tag along. He looked to Soo Min who smiled and agreed that he should go with them, she could tell maybe he was worried about leaving her alone with Won Woo so soon, but it was fine and she let him know that. It would be better this way so she could talk to Won Woo alone.


“We’ll see you tomorrow?” Minhyun asked with a warm smile towards Won Woo and Soo Min.


“Yes.” She nodded with a small smile of her own and looked over to Ren who seemed bittersweet at the moment. “Rest and drink lots of water!” She said in a scolding tone and he pouted. He was scolded by both siblings now!


“Be sure to do the same!” He said back and eyed both of his siblings before his expression softened into a sweet one. “Thanks for being here for me.” His words were towards Won Woo who nodded in reply. “Thanks for visiting me.” Soo Min also nodded the same way before she held her arms open and Ren was slightly surprised until Minhyun nudged him to give his sister a hug before she gives up on it, because he was just staring at her!


He was hugging his sister for the first time since the truth was confirmed, it was a moment he’d remember for the rest of his life. Won Woo ended up joining the hug and turned it into a small group hug to which Minhyun joined in and asked Jeonghan to do the same. They even asked Jihoon who flat up said no and ruined the mood once again! But it was fine, Soo Min remembered the hug Jihoon gave her earlier at Jeonghan’s shared apartment, that counts. Shortly after breaking away from the group hug, Ren and Minhyun officially took their leave and everyone waved at them until they were out of sight.


It was also time for the WooMin duo to leave as well and they said their goodbyes to Jeonghan and his group before they headed out of the front entrance. Jeonghan said he’d stay with Jisoo and the others since they were still waiting on Minghao to be done with his dr visit, he’d call her later to check on her.


When the duo exited the hospital, the sun had set already and it was dark outside and cold. Won Woo led them to Soo Min’s parked car in the front lot and they got in quickly before he started the car and the heater. “Are you hungry?” He asked once they warmed up enough. She quietly nodded in reply and he smiled. “In the mood for cheeseburgers?”


“Always!” She grinned and he chuckled at that before telling her to put her seatbelt on. Then they were off.



“We’re here.” Minhyun announced after pulling up into the driveway of Ren’s house.


“It’s dark.” Jihoon muttered while taking his seatbelt off.


“Oh, right.” Ren pulled out his phone and opened an app and then suddenly all the lights inside the house as well as the porchlight.


“As expected from Ren, the most EXTRA person I know on this planet.” Jihoon snickered and proceeded to get out of the car. He waited for Minhyun and Ren to get out as well and they led him to the front door. Jihoon took a moment to take in how big this house was and almost fell backwards from looking up. Minhyun saved him from falling off the porch step.


“Careful.” He said in that kind but still parental tone. Jihoon swore this guy was ready to have kids already!


“Thank you.” He hurried inside after Ren entered the house and Minhyun chuckled, he looked like a little kid doing that.


“Go ahead. Run around and explore, just don’t touch or knock anything over.” Ren joked and Jihoon looked up at him with a bored expression. “That’s what Soo Min did yesterday.” He explained. “She was quick on finding my Lady GaGa Shrine-” suddenly Jihoon was running up the stairs and it took Ren a few seconds to realize that. “Wait!” He went running after him. “Why is everyone so crazy about my Lady GaGa collection?!” He complained with a small whimper. Just like yesterday, he went to the right instead of the left and Minhyun laughed at the bottom of the staircase when he saw his boyfriend frantically run back across to the correct side of the house.


“I’ll make some tea.” He said happily to himself and headed for the kitchen.




“You’ve really outdone yourself, Ren. It’s a legit shrine indeed.” Jihoon snickered while looking at the major collection of Lady GaGa CDs and merch decorated in one spot of the room.


“Shut up! It’s not!” Ren muttered behind him, out of breath.


“You even called it a shrine yourself?” Jihoon looked back at him with a raised brow.


“I was making quotation marks in the air, but you ran off so quick! Soo Min called it that, not me!”


“Then what do you call it?”


“My collection!”


“Right.” Jihoon nodded and turned back to the shrine.


I REALLY hate you.


I REALLY don’t care LOL




I’m just joking with you, relax!


HAHA, that was the best joke I’ve ever heard in my life, seriously Jihoon, you should be a comedian, you’re so hilarious, oh my god, I have abs from laughing so much.



Please, I can’t laugh anymore… Jihoon.


I get it, can you button your ing shirt up now?!


Yes, you’ve messed with the wrong person.

Should I bring my Chucky doll out?


Don’t bring it out… I’m serious.


What’s wrong? Are you perhaps… still scared of Chucky?



Long ago in a faraway place called CaratLoveLand-



Don’t tell the story, Author-nim, please.

*Cute smile*


Okay, only because you asked nicely!


Fine, storytime over. PEACE


“Hey, readers, ask me the story of Jihoon and Chucky for the Q&A if you really wanna know!” Ren blurted out suddenly and Jihoon frowned at him.




“Why not?” Ren laughed.


“They don’t need to know about it!”


“They didn’t need to know about my fear of the dark but it’s already out there!”


“No, it’s not! That chapter was never posted!” It was going to be chapter 85 LOL.



“Really?” He pauses and looks at the screen. “Forget about what I said! Author-nim, delete this scene!”


Don’t! It’s his fault for making a fool of himself.


Author-nim: Guys WTF, just… stop. LOL Ending the scene now~!


*Really screwed himself over*





Finally, Minghao returned to his friends in the waiting area half an hour later with a few papers in his right hand. His left wrist was bandaged up and placed over his chest and he had a small limp in his step. Junhui and Jeonghan were quick to jump up and rush over to help him. Minghao only chuckled and assured them he was just fine. When they made it to Jisoo and Seungcheol he told them he was done and ready to go home.


“What was the diagnosis?” Seungcheol asked while looking at his wrapped wrist.


“Just a minor sprain, nothing serious. Just need to take it easy for a few days and I’ll be good. Don’t worry… I practiced martial arts for years, I’m used to these kind of injuries. I could have really saved us all this trip to the hospital but those girls insisted.” He said with a small pout. “Sorry for causing so much drama.”


“We’re just happy you’re okay!” Jeonghan assured him and gave a gentle pat to his shoulder. “It’s always good to double check with a professional when it comes to injuries.” He had a really good point, honestly.


“Now that you’re done here, should we go?” Seungcheol asked and gestured to the exit. “Are you hungry?” He added.


“Me?” Minghao asked a bit cluelessly and looked towards the others. He hadn’t really spent much time with Jisoo and Junhui’s friends, so he didn’t expect for them to speak to him that much. He’s been locked up in that apartment all this time, of course he would feel that way.


“Yes.” Seungcheol gave a light chuckle. “Is there anything special you’d like to eat for dinner tonight?”


“How about some authentic Chinese food?” Junhui suggested and looked at his friends who nodded in agreement before he looked to Minghao with a small smile. “How about it?”


“Sure.” Minghao managed a sincere smile. He really felt like Junhui was making more effort now with him and he really appreciated it. Too bad he had to get injured in the process but he’ll be fine.


“Wait, should you be walking on your ankle?” Junhui pointed out when he saw how slow Minghao was because of his injury. Jisoo and Jeonghan had already walked out the exit and were heading to the car because they didn’t notice the delay behind them, but Seungcheol did and came back to see what the problem was. “Should we ask for a wheelchair, just to help him to the car.”


“Yeah, maybe we should do that.” Seungcheol nodded and was about to go ask the clinic receptionist but Minghao protested and looked embarrassed.


“I’m fine!”


“You’re walking at snail speed, it’ll be morning by the time we get to the car!” Junhui scolded. “If you won’t use a wheelchair, then at least let me carry you!” He stepped in front of him and knelt down so he could hop onto his back. “C’mon, let’s go.”


Minghao really didn’t want that either, but he could see they were causing a scene in the waiting room so he caved and got onto Junhui’s back. They arrived to Seungcheol’s parked car within two minutes now that they weren’t going snail speed anymore. Jisoo and Jeonghan were waiting and Jeonghan scolded Seungcheol for not giving him the keys to at least start the car and turn the heater on. It was pretty cold tonight.


“Sorry!” He apologized and quickly opened the door for them. Because of Minghao’s ankle, they thought it was best for him to sit in the front seat where there was more room for his feet. That left Jeonghan, Jisoo and Junhui to sit in the back seat. Jeonghan sat in the middle between the other two and Jisoo was okay with it. He wasn’t feeling any of those weird feelings tonight, probably because he was stressed about Minghao’s injuries and the hospital visit. He definitely wasn’t going to start thinking about it now. No.


Junhui gave directions for Seungcheol to drive them to one of his favorite authentic Chinese restaurants, Minghao thought it was going to be the same one he went to with Mei Yi and LiNa, but it was actually a different one and he was interested to see if they had anything different on the menu. “Stay here, I’ll go in and order the food.” Junhui said while getting out of the car. Jeonghan had fallen asleep on Jisoo’s shoulder again during the drive, so it was clear they weren’t going inside to eat, they were going to bring it home.


“Does he really think he knows what I like?” Minghao pouted and opened his door. “I’m going in too!” He added and carefully got out of the car. Seungcheol gave a worried laugh and got out to help the younger, it was just Jisoo and Jeonghan alone in the car now and Jisoo felt calm from how quiet it was and started to relax. But he didn’t get to relax that long since Jeonghan shifted in his seat next to him and got more comfortable, and by comfortable, he moved so he could rest on Jisoo’s lap.


“Junhui still has to sit back here.” Jisoo snickered and tapped on Jeonghan’s thigh so he could move his legs out of the younger’s seat. That forced Jisoo to cradle Jeonghan a bit just so he could be comfortable and now he could feel those strange feelings surface once he saw Jeonghan’s peaceful sleeping face at close range.


I don’t like you. He told himself in his thoughts. Not like that. I don’t like you like that… I don’t. He continued in his thoughts, but his body had its own thoughts and he watched his left hand reach out to brush a few stray strands of hair out of Jeonghan’s face before caressing his cheek with the back of his hand. He even felt his body leaning forward, like it was trying to get CLOSER, like it was getting close enough for this lips to meet.


He snapped out of it and forced himself to sit up straight and that caused Jeonghan to roll out of his lap and fall into the small space between the bottom of the backseats and the front seats. He let out a small grown from the rude awakening and Jisoo cringed before he quickly pretended to sleep when Jeonghan sat up and looked around. He managed to get up back into his own seat and it was clear that he was confused by what happened. He didn’t bother Jisoo, because he actually believed he was asleep. A few minutes later, the others returned to the car and Jisoo pretended to wake up and acted confused. “Did I fall asleep?”


“Seems like it.” Seungcheol chuckled. “Don’t worry, you’ll be home in a bit.” He assured him.


“No sleeping until after we eat!” Junhui pouted and nudged Jeonghan who was about to doze off again. Minghao thought it was funny but he also felt bad for his hyungs. He hoped they’d get a good rest after all of this.

Chapter forty-seven~!



To be honest, I actually don’t know what I’m doing with JiHan lol. I think it’s because I’m not only Meanie trash, but JiHan trash as well so like I can’t resist JiHan when they’re together… keep teasing with the JiHan skinship and stuff eugh I should stop doing that though cuz then it just complicates my story line. Will I listen to myself? No. LOL But I’ll try to figure it out… thanks Jisoo, for making things more complicated!


Jisoo: You’re the author, don’t blame me.


Who the heck are you even looking at while your lips! MY GOSH! XD


A lot happened in this chapter… so I don’t have a lot to say, Jun is my expression right now lol. Just… eh. LOL


Sorry if it was anticlimactic, really thought it was going to be more epic than that, but when I got here, just… didn’t come out how I thought it would, like I don’t mean it didn’t go they way I planned, cuz I really didn’t have much of a plan, it’s just I didn’t realize how hard it was going to be to write the sibling scene aha. I suppose I’m not really skilled for those kinds of scenes yet. It’ll probably be like that for when the siblings confront their parents too and it might even happen quicker than expected too, but try to understand that I’m not trying to rush it lol I just don’t really know how to transition things that smoothly right now. So, it might seem rushed but I feel like it’s better that stuff starts happening sooner than later and we’re here waiting for update 1,700 XD So yeah. I’m trying to make sure it’s written well and not like I’m just half assing it, because I’m not. I’m just in a little bit of a struggle with writing this part in the fic, that’s all! Hope everyone will still enjoy it in the end~! ^^


Ren is okay now! Even his squad came to see him in the hospital, how nice! Lol


Then he was scolded by his siblings, awh, they’re getting along just fine!

Ren: *whisper* screw you author-nim!


Meanie unexpectedly running into Mingyu’s father… dun dunn dunn sounds like Dr. Kim knows a thing or two the way he spoke to Won Woo? That or they’re just over thinking it lol…

They’re paranoid now LOL


*said she had nothing to say about the chapter and here she is, talking about the chapter lol*


Jun helping Minghao out, how sweeeeeeeet~

Minghao: *whispers* how embarrassing…


JiHan tho… they don’t look happy with me and I get it ahaha.

Jeonghan: I know we joke about me being sleeping beauty, but not literally!

JIsoo: Exactly.


He didn’t even kiss you, relax! How do you even know this when you were sleeping, Mr. Sleeping Beauty! LOL Anyways, I guess things shall start moving from here!


Until next time! ^^


Love me like... lol


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A lot of authors tend to cringe and get embarrassed over their past works... Then there's me, laughing my off as if I didn't write this myself lol


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ashkhen #1
Chapter 146: Welcome back back

Ohhhhhhh all the tea is dropping one by one. Soo Min if your pregnant, it’s going to be great news and protective Wonwoon + Jihoon 😎😎 Jeonghan might be toasted lol Ren is going to be that “BIG DEAL”

The parents need to stop acting up and forgive one another. Be happy for the sake of your kids and rekindle with all the kids plus Rina.
Chapter 146: Welcome back
ashkhen #3
Chapter 145: Take your time and we will wait until your ready.
Chapter 145: Cheers my dear! We're behind you 100%! You can do it!
Chapter 143: Looking forward to it.
Chapter 142: 😢 Our deepest sympathy to the Jeons of course.
As far as the continuation I think it would be ok since you will be updating a few months from now. Right now it would seem a little weird, but I don't think it will be bad later. Go with your heart though.
Chapter 141: Welcome back!
Chapter 27: this is so wonderful!
mastermind #9
I’ll wait for more :)
Broken_mango #10
Chapter 138: do you want me to unsubscribe so you can be spared of the spooky number? (´▽`)ノ♪