
I can't sleep

It was a breezy night, Irene had trouble sleeping. She rolled to the other side to check whether Wendy was asleep. Seulgi was definately out, she took her pills before hitting the hay. 

"Wan-ah, are you alseep yet?" she whispered, just incase Wendy was really asleep. 

"Hmm. Go to sleep unnie." Wendy said as she woke up. 

"Oh, I thought you were out like the dead log there. Sorry to disturb your beauty sleep." Irene said

Yep, Irene has a thing for Wendy and Wendy was still oblivious. She closed her eyes, hoping to fall back to sleep. Irene tried counting sheep, hoping for the best that she'll finally pass out on the hundredth count, but no. Instead, she sat up. 

"Wendy ya, are you asleep yet?" Irene asked

"Nope. Just thinking about some stuff?" the younger said. 

"About what? How hot Sojin is?" Irene asked, with a jealous tone.

"Nope, why do you sound jealous?" Wendy teased.

"I'm not. I'm straight." Irene lied.

"What if I said that I was thinking about how beautiful you are?" Wendy said.

"Put me to sleep pweety pweeeaseeee." Wendy then whinned shamelessly

"Hmm, okay. Warm milk?"Irene asked

"Carry me." Irene requested.

"Piggy back. Come on, let's go." Wendy pulled Irene up and got Irene on her back. 

Wendy sat on the counter and waited for the hot milk. When Irene bended her body down, Wendy couldn't help but that . Yes, she learnt from the best, KIm Taeyeon.  

"Yah Son Seungwan! Are you looking at my !" Irene shouted as she caught Wendy red handed. 

"Go sit in the living room and wait." 

Wendy did as told, but she didn't exactly followed Irene's instructions. She got off the counter, walked out of the kitchen and hid behind the walls. When Irene was occupied with the milk in the pot, Wendy snuck back in and gave Irene and backhug. 

Irene was shocked and had butterflies fluttering in the stomach. The milk was almost burning but she couldn't pay less to the warmth she was getting from the latter. Wendy took in a sniff, she was mesmerized by the scent, Irene's hair shampoo and her own fragrance. 

"Unnie, I've told you you're beautiful right?" Wendy asked

"Yes Wan-ah, countless of times, infact."

"Unnie, I've told you that you're cute right?" Wendy asked

"Yes, Wan-ah, every single day."

"Unnie, I've let me tell you something. You ready?" Wendy asked

"Sure, I'm listening." Irene said

Wendy took a deep breath, and whispered something really softly into Irene's ears. Irene was stunned. 

"I'm gay for you unnie." 

Irene turned around, looking at Wendy, waiting for her to confess. It was like Wendy could read her mind or something. 

"Unnie, you're beautiful, you're cute, you're sweet, you're kind, but that's not what I like about you. I like you because you're the clutz you are, because you're the grandmother you are, and most importantly, you're you. I love your flaws, not your perfections. I like the way you stutter on Music Bank, I like how you forget about things, like how you forgot your mic. I like the way you dress, even when people think you're fashion sense is sad. I love everything about you unnie, I know you might not feel the same way about how I feel about you, but just let me continue loving you. Let me take care of you from a distant. Let me love you right." Wendy confessed as she looked into Irene's brown orbs. 

"Sure, I'll let you love me, but on one condition." Irene said


"Ask me to be your girlfriend." Irene said out loud. 

"Are you serious?!" Wendy felt like she was going to explode. 

"You don't like it? Okay then, I''ll take it back." Irene tried to walk away. But before she could, Wendy gripped Irene's waist and pulled Irene close to her body. She looked intensly into those brown orbs of hers. As she looked at those kissable lips, she bit hers, trying to drive her crazy. She looked back at Irene and grabbed her face gently. She slowly let go of her face, pinned her near the counter, brushed her thumb across her lips and said, 

"Close your eyes." 

"A kiss on your forehead, means that I trust you," she said as she placed a gentle peck on her forehead. 

"A kiss on your nose, resembles that you're the best," she moved to Irene's cute nose.

"A kiss on your lips, let's just say, it goes... a little... something like this." 

The kiss was as gentle as a rose's leaf and it was full of love. It took a few seconds for Irene to transfer what was happening. And as soon as she realised, she kissed Wendy back. She could feel Wendy smile through the kiss. After a few seconds, they pulled out of the kiss. 

"I love you." Wendy said as she pecks her forehead

"Say it again."Irene told Wendy

"I love you." she said it again, pecking her nose


"I love you, I love you, I love you Bae Joohyun." Wendy said as she kissed Irene's lips gently. 

"Oh, the milk." Irene remembered. 

"It's okay, I can hug my girlfriend to sleep now." Wendy smilled cheekyly. 

Irene blushed. 

"Let's go sleep."

The next morning, Seulgi got up the earliest, shockingly. She saw Wendy and Irene cuddling and also their clothes scattered everywhere. She ran into the Joy's and Yeri's room and barged in. 


Turns out that they had a bet about this. 

"Yeah, yeah whatever. It's inside the book." Joy mumbled as she went back to sleep. 

'I love you too you bear.' Seulgi read the note and took the money. And before she could go out, Joy pinned Seulgi onto the wall and kissed her rough, leaving the bear stunned.  

Joy pushed Seulgi out and leaving her thinking all alone. How sad, Seulgi is always alone. Seulgi touched her lips and screamed





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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 1: Love it
ZhouXuan #2
Another malaysian Wenrene shipper!!
21Hunchae #3
Chapter 1: PT3 candidate AND a wenrene shipper? Malaysia produces quality children only hahahah
reuben #4
Haha this is so nice. And hey gudluck on your pt3~
starsic #5
Chapter 1: I'm just... wow
and Yes, my feels just flew out the window. Maybe I should too haha
I'm so loving this! haha
annonymous2012 #6
Chapter 1: Wow Joy wow xD OMG PT3 candidate? We're same XD please write more..i'll wait for your stories *smirks* lol