Unexpected Delivery

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Be careful what you wish for, or it might show up on your doorstep with a whole lot more than you expected! Ryu Inhee had always dreamed of having her very own family, but when a newborn baby accompanied by a good looking man arrives on her doorstep, she’s thinking she's got more than what she wished for. 




“Hi,” he said to the woman, approaching and speaking with caution. Ryu Inhee, he thought her name was. “Is everything okay?” He couldn't help but ask—not when she was standing there with a distressed baby and looking as if she'd just been thunderstruck.

Her black hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail so shiny that he could almost feel the warmth of the sunlight reflecting off it. Her eyes were dark grey, clear and wide—but filled with a shock and a panic that stopped him short.

She stared at him blankly and he held out his hands in a show of innocence. “I'm Jongin,” he said, realising she had no idea who he was. “Kim Jongin—Songju's brother. She said to drop by and pick up my keys?”

“Oh, God,” she said. “I'd completely forgotten.”

But still she didn't move. Her eyes did, though, dropping to his vest and running shorts, moving as far down as his ankles before her eyes met his again. There was interest there, he could see, even behind her confusion and distress.


Mizusora created another poster for me and it is freaking gorgeous isn't it?!!!!  It's so difficult to find such talent and I really, truly recommend you guys to check out her other works! Just click on her name or the banner below and check out her graphics! She is brilliant, creative and super talented. Trust me, you won't have regrets :D

Coming soon


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Chapter 9: One day hopefully I see an update for this, Always have been a fan of your writings.
Moonlight_23 #2
Chapter 9: Uhmm okayy so even though jongin has been acting that way i still like his character.Can't wait for their story to unfold and perhaps watch jongin overcome his fears (?)
Moonlight_23 #3
Chapter 8: So they decided to friend and then kiss (?)
Chapter 9: I'm just curious, and I don't mean this in a rude way, but you seem so diligent about completing your stories, that I wonder why you didn't finish this one. Did you lose interest? Well, regardless, I like it, as I like all of your stories. They're like reading romance novels.
yasminchoi #5
Chapter 9: hi i stumbled into one of your stories yesterday and i have read all of you stories, i dont know why i havent read your stories before-they are amazing by the way-keep up the good work authornim and i really hope you update soon!!
Chapter 9: I love Jongin's character so much omg, poor guy being torn between his past and his attraction to her... I'm excited to see where it's going next, I can't wait to see their feelings for each other evolve! I hope Jongin will be able to accept the fact that he deserves to love and be loved again and to have another chance for happiness and a family ;;;;
mrsweasley #7
Chapter 9: Just found this and I love love love love it!! The tension <3 I can't wait for more chapters!
Chapter 9: I love jong in character. It's different from other authors stories. In your story jong in is not playboy mostly every authors will describe him as a playboy but in yours he's not. .. And inhee too such a caring aunt for taking care nari. I bet this story is different from others. This story is so interesting . I love it so much.
Chapter 9: Damn i love jongin's character so much