


It is all started when Yamaa Ayumu entered her college life. She doesn't really remember when is the first time she actually know his existence but she could feel his presence. He, Nozawa Yuki, usually will stand out among everyone else. Doesn't matter how much Ayumu is trying to not look at him, she just can't. When she actually remembered the very first moment she saw him is SHE HATED HIM. She hates him for no reason. Hilarious right?


Original Character (O/C)

Yamaa Ayumu

Currently a first year student of Faculty of Social Science


Nozawa Yuki

Noonboyz's Nozawa Yuki (Johnny's Jr.)

Currently a first year student of Faculty of Technology


Original Character (O/C)

Ayumu's best friend, Saruwatari Asuka

Currently a first year student in the same faculty as Ayumu


Original Character (O/C)

Ayumu's best friend, Hatori Yumi

Currently a first year student in the same faculty as Nozawa Yuki




More characters might come along the story.




This is my first attempt to write a fanfic related to someone from Japanese showbiz.

I really like Nozawa Yuki. He's one of the Johnny's Jr. which you can say a trainee in Johnny's Entertainment.

His current status in Johnny's Entertainment is unknown for now. He didn't appear much on Shounen Club (apparently a Johnny's Entertainment show) these past few weeks.

Even if I'm writing as I was imagine him, you can always change the main character in your mind, right? :D

Have fun reading and I'll try my best to write frequently.

Please correct me if there's any error in my grammar/use of word as English is not my native language.


Thank you and yoroshiku~! 


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