
Couple things


There they were; all six of them sitting and relaxing after their show, all smiling like dorks about how well they did. They were in a shared lounge room in the hotel, one concert done, the other coming up the next day.

JunJin was well ahead when it came to drinking, Minwoo was throwing snacks at Donwang who was practically drooling on the smaller man, while Hyesung and Eric were looking at their mobiles and answering texts or what ever they were doing.

As usual Andy was observing. He found these little after concert get togethers a lot of fun, just relaxing and talking together abit befofe heading back to rest.

But something was bothering him. He didn't know what it was, something that he could not really pinpoint and all he knew it had something to do with their leader and their main vocalist.

Andy decided to concentrate on the couple. There was something about them that was new, something that he had missed. It had nothing to do about the way they behaved; they still had the oil and water performance for the sake of fans, yet acting like any normal couple in the backstage. It had never been a surprise nor a shock for the rest of the members when they find out the truth behind the act; the fact that it all was real.

But back to the issue at hand.

Andy continued to watch them quietly. They behaved like always, Eric stuck on responding to important messages, Hyesung listening to some songs. They sat side by side, almost glued to one another. They both were dressed casually, kind of ready to go to bed. Sweatpants and t-shirts. Grey t-shirts, t-shirts that were the same brand, had the same childish looking picture on the front. A kangaroo and a panda.That picture looked like it was especially printed on them.

As if on queue Hyesung turned his head and looked at Andy. A smile lingered on the main vocalist lips as he saw the maknae looking at them. A wink and a chuckle came from the man as he realized what Andy had been staring. There was a nod, something a kind of affirming what the maknae was thinking in his head.

Couples shirts.

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Chapter 2: Cuttttteeeeee hehe but tbvh Ricsyung really have many couple things..
from clothes, bags, accessories, even Cars and apartment *so damn rich couple* =_=
can't wait for next chapter
Magalith #2
Chapter 2: Nice series idea! This is cute!
Subscribing rn! :D