
The Collection


Heechul, diva Chullie, everyone's nightmare finally snapped.


It happened at the end of a recording, it was something about him not wanting to be in front of people anymore, how stupid people were, how he was going to go insane if he saw another negative article about Hyukjae, Donghae, or any member.


The day after that, Ryeowook found himself holding a crying Heechul in his arms. Ryeowook was rubbing his back, letting soft mummers escape his lips, and Heechul just clung onto him tighter.


Kyuhyun appeared once, but Heechul screamed at him to get lost.

Kyuhyun left with tears forming in his own eyes.


The hour after Heechul dried his tears, Ryeowook found himself in the kitchen cooking for an angered Heechul.


Heechul wasn’t angry at him, at least Ryeowook hopes that he isn’t.


Heechul never said what he was angry about, but when Ryeowook brings him his food, Ryeowook finds himself being pulled into the chair next to Heechul. The grip on his wrist bruising.


As he started to move again, Heechul just looked over at him with a crazy look in his eyes.


“You can’t leave me Ryeowookie, I won’t allow you too.”


Ryeowook nodded and went back to looking down at the table.

He would be lying if he said that he wasn’t scared of this Heechul. This Heechul was the one everyone feared, Ryeowook had seen it before. This Heechul was the one that would throw death threats at those that harmed his people, this Heechul was the reason why some people feared his hyung.


When Heechul finished his meal, Ryeowook’s wrist was finally set free, and Ryeowook found himself with an arm full of a crying Heechul again. Stating how he was sorry for what he just did, and how he wasn’t thinking straight at the moment.


Ryeowook accepted it. Heechul just was having one of his moments, everyone had those moments. Not everyone could be happy at once.


One year, six months, and ten days later, Ryeowook now had tears in his eyes.

Heechul had left them, Donghae and Ryeowook.


His words from the past still ringing in his head.


You can’t leave me Ryeowookie, I won’t allow you too.


He left them in tears, it was humorous in a sick twisted way.


Heechul left them.


Heechul left him.


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jesyuchiha #1
Chapter 17: Podrías hacer la continuación de esta historia Yewook xD digo Kyuhyun debe ver que se perdió.. Si no se puede realmente pienso que quedo como KyuWook <3 hahaha xD
jesyuchiha #2
Chapter 16: T^T primero que nada mataste a Ryeowook T^T segundo me rompió el corazón la actitud de Kyuhyun
T^T y luego Changmin es tan triste <\3
jesyuchiha #3
Chapter 15: Oww tan cute adoro cuando hacen a Changmin tan dulce <3 y junto con Ryeowook es una buena combinación! :D
jesyuchiha #4
Chapter 14: Omg asdfg no lo puedo creer >\\< es lo mejor YunhoxChangminxRyeowook es lo mejor hahaha me encanta en parejarlos <3
jesyuchiha #5
Chapter 13: T^T me haces llorar... Se suponía que debía ser feliz no romperle el corazón a Changmin >\\< me siento mal por Changmin... Gracias por escribirlo .

Saludos! :D