Now what?


Oh, hey! sorry I didn't see you there, I was slightly distracted by all sorts of inappropriate fantasies starring a certain slim dancer with a charming gummy smile. I can finally admit to myself that I am a bit attracted to the guy... Okay fine! I'm madly in love with him! There! I said it! what?


Hello everyone, I hope you'll enjoy this eunhae multichapter (with a bunch of other pairings and an ensemble of characters with more screentime than sctrictly necessary).


New poster! Created using copilot's best effort without infringing on the policies that don't let you use the likeness of celebrities. This was iteration number 5 so I decided to let it reast after it insisted on making the other character female. Plus, I like the incorportation of phones as a little nod to the chapters that take place on social media.


Woah, fixing this one was a task for sure. I've toned down the raunchiness, removed the misspelled korean and replaced the pictures that had dissapeared, now my eyes don't bleed looking at it anymore.


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LeeLenaMx #1
Chapter 32: Thanks for sharing this story…
970 streak #2
Chapter 32: Thank you so much!
Now what? Just joking.
It was a great read!
970 streak #3
Chapter 27: This is such a sweet chapter. I love how Hyuk said it all. It is the love that is shared that gives meaning and beauty to the kiss. I love it.
970 streak #4
Chapter 24: Awwwww! This is s sweet. It is so good for Hyuk.
970 streak #5
Chapter 12: I am very happy that Hae was able to end it with Jessica. When all reasons fail, just mandate it. Jessica does not need to agree. That was a great chapter!
970 streak #6
Chapter 3: I must say that I liked the way you wrote each chapter. You have style! I really like it.
You give insights and movements in the body of the chapter and leave us with one lingering thought.
I find it very beautiful.
970 streak #7
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: I feel for Hae so much. How could he even think about the boyfriend of his roommate?
I just started reading this. I couldn't even remember how I found your story. But it seems interesting!
Thank you for sharing.
Naina_122 #8
Chapter 32: Cute story! I enjoyed it more than I thought I would! I'm not really a fan of eunhae having other partners because they belong together! But you made it work in this story and that made me read this lovely story til the end! Thank you!
Naina_122 #9
Chapter 26: Lol!!! The most funniest chapter I've ever read!!!
EunHaeLove42 #10
Good story but I thing...what ever happened to Junsu???
Kyu and Min were wrong to jump on Hyuk like that.
Donghae is so sweet and understanding, as I would've lost my patience many times.
Hyuk was a gem, I just didn't like how much of a he was...

Thanks for sharing! ^^