The trip

My Heroes

“Introduce yourself.”

Minhyuk, Jooehoen and I’M exchanging glances towards each other to decide who is going to be first. They are flustered because they didn’t expect that they are going to get the big reactions from your class, especially from the girls though. Not a single word coming out from their mouth, but their eyes tell everything.

The girls might be a little over excited about this, but not for you. Your blood are boiling inside and you can feel your hand is slowly forming into a punch when it was hard to believe that they are going to be in the same school as you.

After the small discussion Minhyuk finally decides to introduce himself first. He clear his throat before starting. Then after he had done, Jooheon continue and I’M finish it with his.



“Make sure to send in your assignment by next week. Alright?” Mr Kim said, giving the last reminder before leaving the class. The students are nodding but sound a bit hesitating with their answer because they are unsure whether they can submit it on time or not.

You arrange your book neatly on your desk and try to act normally as you usually do even you cannot accept the fact that I’M, Minhyuk and Jooehoen are going to be there, always there, just like when you are at home.

You cannot believe it how they can change their real appearance in a short amount of time. At home they were casually wear something that would make them looked like they were older from their real age. But today, they were completely different, especially when when they are wearing their school uniform. Especially Jooeheon, he once known as the ‘red hair’ in his team, but look like the title won’t be his anymore because he had change it into black.

They were talking at the back and you can hear their voice clearly because they are sitting not too far from you. Before going to them and ask for their explanation on why they are here, you make sure that the class is clear and less students are there.

It is too dangerous having many people around  because they will start making rumors among themselves and spread it like it is true.

“Oh! Miss Jihye.” Minhyuk who cannot help himself accidently raise his voice higher when he saw that you are coming.

“What are you guys doing here?!” You finally ask the question that you were eager to ask them since the first time they step into the class. “Study of course!” Minhyuk reply with a wide smile on his face.

“You think I’m a fool? Don’t lie to me. Did my mom ask you to be here?”

“If you’re not a fool then why you bother asking. Of course it is because of your mom.” I’M reply coldly making you surprised by his answer because he is not the type who will bug into the conversation like this.

You rolled your eyes on him to show unpleasant you are after hearing his reply. Looking how tense the situation slowly become Jooehoen come near and stand beside you trying to calm you down. “Relax alright, we’re here because we just don’t want you to get hurt.”

“He’s right Miss Jihye, you shouldn’t hide it from us if something had happened to you like yesterday.” Minhyuk continue and it surprise you because  they know about the incident at the school where you almost get caught.

“How did you know about that?”

Right before your question could get answered by them, Mina suddenly appear cheerfully into the conversation and greet everyone happily. “Hello guys!” she said and you curiously look at her.

“Oh it her friend again.” Minhyuk said and pointed his finger at her. “I’m Mina, Ki Mina, starting from now we’re going to meet every single day.” She grins and her eyes start to wonder around the boys and looking for someone but too bad he’s not there. “Is it only the three of you here? What about the rest?” she asks.

“They are old already, they are not school kids anymore, and... so that’s why we’re here.” Jooehoen answer and Mina look a bit disappointed. “What’s wrong? Do you hope for someone else to be here instead of us?” Minhyuk who can suddenly smell something fishy about Mina quickly asks and put Mina in sticky situation.

Her hand automatically wave side to side trying to deny him with sweats start to appear on her forehead.

“Did you just tell my mom about the incident yesterday?” You suddenly throw in your question making Mina swallow down a big gulp by looking how fierce your eyes were.


“You broke our promise?! I can’t believe that you actually did that”

Failed to control you anger, you disappointedly letting out all that you had kept inside towards her and Mina quickly wrap her hand around your arm to calm you down. “I doesn’t mean to, I was really worried” she said and you try to loosen her grip.



“Excuse me.”



A couple of students suddenly appear from the side and surprises everyone there. She is looking kinda scare but she try to cover it up by slowly handing in a piece of paper to the Minhyuk, I’M and Jooeheon.

“What is this?” I’M asks without reading the paper first because he’s just too lazy to do it.

“It is actually an audition ads for our school band, we are currently looking for the vocalist of the band and if you interested you can come and try your luck.” She smiles but still hoping one of them will come and be their next vocalist.

Even they are still too new at the school the girls can’t just resist themselves by asking the three good looking guys to come and join the audition.

“I’ll come, I can sing you know.” Minhyuk put the paper down and make the girls  jumping in excitement.

“Do you… have football team or club that I can join?”

Jooehoen asks and try to reject it as politely as he could.

“Of course, that guy over there is the team captain and you can ask him.” One with the short hair said and point to the guy the she was mentioning until Jooehoen can actually remember his face so that he can ask him later.

“Great, now they are joining school club too”

You murmur alone by yourself with rolling your eyes before leaving them and go back to your seat.




The last school period is here, everyone is looking tired and their face show how much they want to go home right now.

Mrs Park finally show up and forcedly they get up and greet her like they usually did.

“I know you’re all tired and I believe the news that I’m going to tell you is definitely going to make you’re all happy and energetic again.”

She put down the book and take out a piece of paper from the big envelope.

The students still doesn’t show that much interest even after she said that, despite all the reaction she still tell them about the news that she is sure they going to love it.

“Our school is going to have a trip to a broadcast tv station by the end of this week.”

She starts and some of them start to raise their head up and slowly pay attention to her announcement. “Is there going to be celebrity there Mrs Park?” said one of the girls with puffy cheek.

“It depend on your luck, if it is your lucky day it is going to be a high chance that you might bump into them.” After answering to that, more and more students start showing up some interest on her.

They girls are squealing when their favorite celebrity face come into their head.

“Mrs Park, can I go?” Ask the one who is sitting exactly in front of her.

“Of course you can, in fact everyone are welcome to join the trip. BUT ” she stop and the rest are sighing because when there is a ‘BUT’ coming from her, joining the trip won’t be a piece of cake.

“It’s not free though, it is too bad that I can only take 5 students from this class for this trip, and don’t worry I won’t just randomly pick out any name cause it might be a bit unfair, so to make it fair and square I’m going to decide it by a holding test”

“Mrs Park, its okay I don’t feel like joining now.” said one of them and give up already because they were just too lazy to study for the test.

 “Even you don’t want to join, you still need to take the test though, so you better go back and study because I’m doing the test tomorrow.”





After dinner you went straight to your room to do some study for the test. It would be a lie if you said that you don’t want to be in the trip at all. It is like one of your biggest dream to be in broadcast field, so you won’t let this chance slip away and make sure your name is one of the participant .

Meanwhile, in the Monsta X room, they are all busy doing their own things. Wonho who is just come out from taking a shower stop his way to the room when he see Minhyuk, Jooehoen and I’M are sitting together outside with a pile of books cluttering in front of them.

Another reason he went to them is because of their facial expression. They are all looking so frustrated from a far and it look all of them could pass out soon.

“Um what are you guys doing?” he asks curiously.

“Study…” Minhyuk said and land his face on the table ignoring the all the books there. “I can’t do this anymore! Damn, I hate it.” he continue.

Jooehoen letting a big sigh after listening to that, it exactly what he feel right now, but he need to force himself and the others to study, so he open another thick book and continue to read it. “We need to keep study, otherwise we can’t go to the trip.” He said try to boost himself up.

“So don’t study if you don’t want to go then, it is simple as that.” Wonho reply and continue to dry his hair using the towel.

Minhyuk force himself to get up and blink his eyes a few times because he start becoming sleepy. “Well, even we don’t feel like joining the trip, we still need to study and get those high mark for  the test tomorrow, so that we all can go. Miss Jihye seem really enthusiastic about the trip and my instinct tell me that she will be one of the high scorer, and let say that she manage to go, but we cannot go and protect her there, won’t it be dangerous and her mom is really going to kill us if she get hurt again?!” Minhyuk let out all his frustration and land his face again back on the table.

“I’m done with this.” I’M suddenly slam his pencil at the book and get ready to leave the table. He takes his phone with him and walk away ignoring all their reactions .

“Yaa! Wait! Get back here!” Jooehoen try to call him so that would somehow stop but he doesn’t even care a bit.

He just leave them just like that.




The time has come. Everyone just finished taking the exam and now they are eagerly waiting for the result on who can go to the trip that everyone be anticipating for. They are all staring at Mrs Park at once and after marking the test finally Mrs Park lift her head and look at everyone with holding the result on her right hand.

It was a nerve wrecking moment for anyone who put a high hope into this especially for Mihyuk, Jooenhoen and I’M.

“Good job to all of you because many of you are able to get better mark that the last test that we had did before, so here is the name that will go, first and foremost is…”

Mrs Park read the paper once again so that she won’t be mistaken for another name and read it out loud so that everyone can hear her voice.

“Our top student of course, Kang Minyeol.”

Minyeol the guy with the square spectacles is throwing his fist on the air to show how happy he is because being able to be one of the participant. Mrs Park continue to read out the name and the next one is “Bang Jiho.”

Minhyuk at the back is crossing his finger so that hopefully Jihye name won’t be announce. Because the whole trip is not important for him and the other two, but it will be totally different if Jihye is going, they need to be there to protect her.

“Three name left, and the third one is… Oh Jihye.”

You did a little jumping on your chair because you can’t contain your own excitement. All the hard work last night had been succesfully paid off, now you can go to see the broadcasting station like you had been dream for since you were still a child. Mina your seat partner celebrating it with you and did a small hi-five to show that she is also feel happy for you.

On the other hand, it is a bad news for Minhyuk, I’M and Jooehoen.

They cannot smile either feel happy about it. Jihye finally been chosen and it only left two names waiting to be called, it had been confirmed that one of them cannot go because lack of space. Now they are hoping that both of the name will belong to them but “Jeon Sera, next is Jeon Sera.”

 Listening to that, only one spot is left. It will be either Minhyuk, Jooehoen or I’M or worst, none of them will be call.

Despite their worriedness, you who are also waiting for the next name hoping that it won’t be neither of them.

“Last but not least is…. Lim Changkyun.”

“Lim Changkyun?” you asks yourself because you never heard the name before. You are looking around and nobody is raising hand or showing any reaction. Even so, you doesn’t care who is it as long that it won’t be them. Now you can smile in relieve and enjoy the rest of the class calmly.

“Lim Chankyun? Yaa, isn’t your real name?”

“Mrs Park? I never heard that name before, are sure he is in our class?” One of student raises her hand and asks.

“Of course, Lim Changkyun can you raise up your hand please?”

A hand suddenly being raises  just like being told and everyone slowly turn their head to see who.

You who are also questioning about the owner of the name  turn your head to the back and eyes widen when you finally realize that Lim Chankgyun is actually I’M real name.

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se0kmins #1
Chapter 13: THIS STORY IS SO SO SO GREAT SOS HERE PLS SEND HELP lol u never failed me i swear i like how things going between jihye and changkyun ,,,,hopefu u'll update soon ure so talented :-(
Chapter 13: And finally an update!!! I've wait for a years! And read this story over and over while waiting for your update. Don't make me wait too long, Author-nim. I miss you~ well actually I miss Jooheon ㅋㅋㅋ and IM! Gosh... He's always so cool! He's gonna be Jihye's best bodyguard... and boyfriend maybe?
Anywaaaayyy... Update soon ^^ Fighting!!
ohhmansangVyy #3
Chapter 12: Updatee nowwww hukhuk tbis isfcking good
ohhmansangVyy #4
Chapter 12: Updatee nowwww hukhuk tbis isfcking good
Kaylie3Two #5
Chapter 12: Okay. So I enjoyed this more than I expected :-) update whenever. You've got yourself another subscriber.
Nurul_dayat #6
Chapter 11: Please update soon~!
Sitiqamarina25 #7
Chapter 11: Pls update
Sitiqamarina25 #8
Chapter 11: I'm waiting for new update