Born To Serve (The Sliver Mistress)


"I met my mistress at the age of 9, she was 7. In public she sweet and innocent but behind closed doors she's a Devil.,"

 Junhong Choi an orphan plucked from his home village was bred and trained to serve The Bellthorne family has a difficult young mistress. 

Whom knows nothing about her family's true identity or herself. It's up to him to Tame his mistress before she hits maturity and go completely feral. Sounds simple enough if wasn't for a secret that could ruin everything ...






Author's Note - Some names will be charged for a few idols to suit the fairytale/supernatural vibe I'm going for.

Junhong=Zelo (real name is the Junhong)



Soran=Him Chan

Ellis=Yong Guk

New chapter will be hella long so you might wanna clear your a


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jmayo81 #1
Chapter 15: Poor Soran... and Lillian for that matter. Thank you for the story!
jmayo81 #2
Chapter 14: SO it seems that things are finally working out!? It appears Junhong reached his full potential, something that Maddox was not anticipating! Looking forward to more, thank you for updating!
jmayo81 #3
Chapter 13: Soran almost seemed like he was going to say Lilian, I wonder if she's that mystery girl maddox talked too... hmm, this is spiraling out of control, not sure if Junhong can do it! hope so! thank you for updating!
popcult #4
Chapter 13: What the hell. People getting crazy left and right. Junhong wants to save them so badly. But I think she is too far gone now. And who this mystery girl. Why must this story be so good !
748 streak #5
Chapter 13: Things are very bad now, and looks like it's all up to Junhong to stop the madness. He'll have to find a way to turn Soran back, and stop Maddox from taking Esther. Can't wait for the next chapter.
jmayo81 #6
Chapter 12: Whoa, things are getting crazy!!! I was NOT expecting that to happen. Well, I hope Junhong or Soran can do something before it's too late! Thank you for updating!
748 streak #7
Chapter 12: The locket has made everything much worse. I hope Esther can be stopped before she kills those people, or Junhong can get back to her somehow, and calm her down. Heck, maybe even Soran can help. Things are getting crazy, can't wait to see what happens next.
popcult #8
Chapter 12: She seriously have lost her mind. That it she is really losing it. And why do this Maddox man want her so badly. He is a bit creepy, especially the thing that in the locket. I feel bad for junhong cause he is slowly losing her. Can she even redeem herself after what she about to do. Great update .
748 streak #9
Chapter 11: Why didn't she tell them she received the locket?! Hopefully Junhong will pay attention to the light, and find it soon. Thanks for the exciting update.
jmayo81 #10
Chapter 11: just when I thought it was for good.. NOPE! Junhong, pay attention to the blue light!!!!! ugh, thank you for updating! looking forward to more.