A Captured Love


Among the many issues Cadella Moore would encounter during her first year teaching in Korea she didn't expect to be a hostage, let alone of the biggest Drug Lord in Korea.



It's too high to get over (yeah, yeah)
Too low to get under (yeah, yeah)
You're stuck in the middle (yeah, yeah)
And the pain is thunder (yeah, yeah)


At the sound of her ringtone Cadella frantically searched for her phone and silenced it. She clutched it to her chest in hopes that they didn’t hear it over the rounds of fire. She peeked through the branches of trees again to see the men looking in her direction.

“Go handle it.” Ha-Kyung said. Three men made their way in her direction. She quickly turned and ran as fast as she could through the trees hoping that she could at least get away without them seeing her face. She was beginning to think that maybe she had lost them in the thickness of the trees but she was corrected at the sound of shots firing behind her. She looked behind to see that they had gained on her quickly.

They sure are fast for big guys

Suddenly the ground was going sharply downhill and Cadella was struggling to maintain her footing, when her foot was caught on a tree root and she fell to tumble down the hill. As she began to reach the bottom of the hill her head landed on a rock and knocked her unconscious. The last thing Cadella heard was a voice…

“I got her…”


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Chapter 12: Yyaaaassssss I love this story!!!! I can’t wait for the next update!!!!
star-1068_ #2
Chapter 11: I'm enjoying the book so far
Elite_Supernova #3
Chapter 10: Hey this is great! Please update soon!!!
747 streak #4
Chapter 9: Just ran across this story, and got caught up on the chapters. I'm really enjoying it so far, and can't wait to see where you go with it. Ha-kyung is really complex, it will be interesting to see how contact with Cadella changes him. Great job.
Creal32 #5
Chapter 7: A great chapter, i love it! Updates please!:)
ssza9876 #6
Chapter 7: This is such a great chapter.
kekechilders #7
Chapter 6: Lmao how is he gonna pull that off... Get her pregnant really? Can't wait to find out how.
OfftheWall27 #8
I'm loving this story! I was reading it and got excited to go on to ch. 4 only to be greeted by the previous button. Feeling so deprived, lol. Keep up the great work and please update soon.
kekechilders #9
Chapter 3: So much going on I love it.
pinkydinky21 #10
Chapter 2: Ooh! someone's in trouble