Wicked Beauty


Being the new student is never easy. Lee Taemin grew up in Canada, and now his parents want to go back to the place they first met, Seoul Korea. Leaving all of his beloved friends behind, Taemin and his parents move to Seoul where Taemin enrolls in Seoul High Schoohalf way through the year, and meets the love of his life, a second year student named Kim Jonghyun. Taemin has to try to make new friends and make it through the next two and a hlaf years at his new school.


Title: Wicked Beauty

Pairing(s): JongTae and MinKey

Rating: G

I own nothing in this story but the plot. It's completely made up by myself. I have no clue if I'm going to keep this title or change it later on. I really don't know. Also, I will be changing the ages of the SHINee members so that they're all in high school. I will keep their birthdays the same, but I will be changing the years they're in, that's all.


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Vima66 #1
Chapter 6: You asked us if we liked your story, frankly I don't. Cause I FREAKING LOVE IT!! Go on! Can't wait to know what will happen next!!~~♡♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 4: Aw, Jong is so, I don't even know what word I want to use to describe him. I think if I were Taemin I'd smack Kibum for calling me cutie all the time. Makes him sound like an orange.
I love JongTae and MinKey please add some Minkey in the story TT^TT

I'll be reading your story x3 (Y)
KimDangYul #4
Wait, are people really reading my story?! If so, I'd love some feedback please!