The Ride of Infinities

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Chanyeol has learnt life through books.

Baekhyun has learnt it through experience.

Chanyeol loves life because of its infinite possibilities.

Baekhyun despises it because of its limits.

Both of them met on the train because of a downpour.

Both of them fell in love because of a book.








Warning: Quick mention of suicide, death, violence and self-harm (not rated M because it is not that hard-core)





A/N: Hey :D

I hope this one-shot will suit your taste :3

Feedback is very much appreciated ^-^





This is an entry for Hipster One-shot Contest  ^-^

Thanks to seymikovski for her help and her kindness ♡ (the story is for you :3 )

And thanks to ByunBaekButt and her amazingly stunning poster *^* you should check her shop: PedoNoona Corp. Graphics Shop

Reviewed bu 500sunny500 from CLUB NEVERMORE. Big thanks to her <3 



Exo kisses you ☆


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Chapter 1: This was just so perfect. As a philosophy lover, seeing the theories of my favorite phylosophers used in such a beautiful way in a story makes me want to cry in bliss. I actually did cry with this but because it was so heartbreaking ;--; this is perfect. Thank you for writing such a sublime piece of art!
Chapter 1: You wrote this beautifully!
Chapter 1: Wow *.* this is breathtakingly beautiful and slight heartbreaking (ok, not slightly... (╥_╥) Nini~ *sobs*) and so sooo deep o.O I had to keep stopping and contemplating the things they were talking about... Just, wow!!! *stares in awe*
CL_Unni #4
Chapter 1: I have a Psychology exam in two days and I couldn't possibly read this at a better timing! Really well written! Every author's theory was so well used. Very interesting os! I won't forget it any time soon! ;)
xxxyenxxx #5
Chapter 1: I saw this fic for a while now, and only just read it, which is good bcuz I have an English Level Test at my college tomorrow and this fic just refreshed my mind, the grammar and the sentences were really complex and different from the usual stuff I read, plus Chanbaek was in it hehe, all in all, this was a lovely story to read and I wish I had writing skills like you O.o
Chapter 1: I. So. Love. This. Fic. Ashsjsiabahsjjsbsu! I'm so happy I found this gem. I <3 this. But I just had to point smth out bc it kinds of confused me:
“I won’t Jongin, I never will.” The other promised, cupping his cheeks and pulling him into a soft kiss. “I love you, Soo.”
Did you, perhaps, mean Nini/Jongin instead of Soo? owo
Anyways, great fic!*u*
woonieto #7
omg this fanfic made my heart clench and my mind is like- //c R AIS
g 0sh this is amazing and I loved the philosophical ref as well as the books asdfghjl- ♥︎ and ofc hero Chanyeol haha
imokayyy #8
Amazing fanfiction, it is also written very well! I would recommend this to all!