Hello sweetheart

dara wedding story

Dara pov:

Bommie laught like some maniac women from harry potter.if i remember correctly bellatrix.i dont even know if this girl take me seriously.

"well done miss dara.it is not april and yet u try to fool me.kim jae joong.no way girl."bom continue to laugh before her phone ringing.

She frantically take her phone out before answering it.

"yes, now? Do we have to?dara? She have planed tonight.ok.see you"bom look at me seriously before tell me some news.

"they've got to be kidding me." she said before walking back and fourth infront of me

"hey bommie, whats wrong?"i ask her just to make sure she ok.

"they finish practicing early today and they want to celebrate.."she stop her walking ritual and talk to me.

"isnt that a great thing? I dont feel i have any sense left to practice"i told her while looking at the cinematic view infront of us.

"dara, u dont understand.they want to celebrate gd dating news. Kiko will be here tonight. I told TOP, u cannot make it since u have a date tonight. But im afraid i will kill that fish and make sushi tonight.btw, who in the right mind to celebrate with their ex."bom told me while holding both my shoulder.

"i...i dont have a date tonight."i told her.

"blarghh.u never heard white lie. U should go home now dara. I dont want u to be hurt by gd tonight. Consider it as a gift from ur big sis ok.

2ne1 changing room:

I change my clothes a little late than those girl. I change to more comfortable attire. I wear a black hoodie with adidas shoes. I look myself in the mirror before i ask myself.

"shouldnt u wear more georgeous attire for date."my devil ask me.

"date my . I dont even know if i have luck with men.2 guys leave me. One for the girl and the other one for career"im having internal monolgue with myself.

"dara, be more confident. U are sandara park.kpop ideal type. Dont let yourself down bcuz of some guy"dara angel tell me.

"they are not some random guy. Both are king of kpop."the devil dara answer for me.

"arhhhj."i scream a little.self monolgue literally confuse me more.

I walk toward my car and enter the car. While insode the car, i'm still try to figure out my next destination. I think i need to go to jae home. If we going to divorce for real.i need to take my stuff out of the house.

After becoming firm with my decision, i drive towards jae house. I did not comeback for almost 2 months now. I cannot live here alone.it was akward everytime the maid call me madam. For now on only few people know about our marriage including my family and jae maid.

I try to enter the house using my key.after i enter the house. I walk toward jae room to pickup my stuff. Suddenly someone hug me from behind me before whispering

"hello sweetheart"



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Jaesongjoong #1
Nice story
oiofoxynomadoio #2
Chapter 15: Update please
april_21 #3
Chapter 15: Thanks for update
aira_seph28 #4
Chapter 15: Thanks for updating authornim.
Waiting for another update.
jelovemico_120888 #5
Chapter 15: Nice story authornim. Can't wait for your updates. Fighting 👏👏👏👏👏👏
Chapter 15: thanks for updating. keep writing.
freckles #7
Chapter 15: Thanks for the update . . . 'til the nxt succeeding chaps. . . .
Novee16 #8
Update pls
lharsjung #9
Chapter 14: I like your a story. Can u update often. Thank you
april_21 #10
Chapter 14: Next update please