Unexpected Chances

Escape Holes

Irene couldn’t believe her luck today.

Whenever she leaves her apartment, she makes sure that she brings an umbrella. It didn’t really matter if the weather broadcast said it wouldn’t rain during the day. She would still bring her umbrella because one can never be so sure about the weather anyway.

But today she forgot her umbrella.

She was in a hurry this morning. She woke up late, had a piece of bread for breakfast and dashed her way out of her apartment while carrying a messy folder filled with papers. This wasn’t her usual routine, but she had to work more last night to catch up for her deadlines.

If only she didn’t slack off the other day, then this wouldn’t be happening to her.

But here she was, under the elevated train station, watching the rain pour heavily and form strong waves of water that passed through the gutters.

She wasn’t the only one there though. The covered area was as big as the train station located above her. There were probably twenty more individuals waiting for the rain to stop. Or maybe at least for it to get weaker so it would be more possible for them to walk through it. Difference between them and her was they had an umbrella.

Irene groaned in disappointment and rubbed her face in disbelief. While she was doing so, she heard an engine of a motorcycle passing by.

“Excuse me, can I park here for a while?” the motorcyclist asked. “If you could just move a bit more to your right…”

Irene peeked between her fingers to check who the person was talking to, and she was a bit surprised that the girl, based on the sound of her voice, was talking to her. She nodded her head and moved a bit to her side like what she was asked to.

The girl parked her motorcycle near the railings from where they were standing. Irene started to notice that there were quite a few motorcyclists stopping over at the underpass too. She thought about how tough it must be to ride under the rain as well. They don’t have a roof above their heads like when you’re in a car. They were basically like pedestrians, only on wheels.

She looked at her side and saw that the girl was wiping off her wet jacket. Her helmet was off and Irene saw how the ends of the girl’s hair was also wet. And her jeans too. She felt bad for the girl, it looked like she had it worse than her.

Irene didn’t notice that the girl was already looking at her as well. The girl even smiled at her.

Oh no.

She quickly looked away. It was embarrassing that she was caught looking at her, but she felt even more embarrassed for herself because the girl was cute. She wanted to melt into a puddle and be gushed away in the gutters when she heard the girl taking a step closer to her.

“The rain is really strong tonight.” The girl started as she continued to wipe her sleeves.

“Yeah… it is.” Irene responded. She wasn’t quite sure if the girl was asking or making a statement, but she agreed anyway.

“Do you have an umbrella with you?”

Of course, the girl would ask that and Irene felt like punching herself because she felt embarrassed once more. “I actually forgot it at home. Of all days.” Irene said irritatingly to herself.

“It must be your lucky day then.” The girl replied with a soft chuckle. She moved back to her motorcycle and it seemed like she wanted to get something from the compartment under her seat.

“Totally lucky.” Irene crossed her arms at the sarcastic remark, but she couldn’t stop the smile forming on her face. She was about to make a remark about how drenched the girl was, but her mind went blank when she saw the girl handing out an umbrella to her.

“You can borrow- You can have my umbrella.”

“No, no. It’s okay.” Irene quickly shook her head and lightly pushed back the umbrella closer to the other girl. While doing so, her hand accidentally brushed over the other girl’s cold fingers.

Irene bit her lower lip and slowly looked away because: one, the accidental skinship; two, the girl was already freezing but she still showed concern towards her; and three, she swore she saw the girl blushing and there was no denying that she was blushing too.

“Well…” The girl said while rolling the umbrella between her two hands. “I don’t know what will convince you to take this umbrella but I only have a short ride left before I reach my house. Plus, I can’t really use it while on my bike. If I did, then I wouldn’t be like this right now.”

“You do look a little wet.” Irene giggled while showing her index finger and thumb to show how little she was referring to. “Just a little bit.”

The other girl laughed at this and Irene swore that her smile could possibly clear up the rain. But right now, it seemed like she wanted the rain to last a little longer so she could spend more time talking to this cute motorcyclist girl.

“I actually had worse days,” the girl admits while handing out the umbrella again. “and it seems like you’re having one right now. Please, just take my umbrella. I don’t think I can sleep tonight if you won’t accept it.”

The girl was persistent. Irene would be lying if she didn’t want to admit that she was touched by this gesture. They just met, but the girl was showing concern and care towards her. It was a plus that she was cute too.


“Okay?” The girl sounded surprised by Irene’s immediate submission. “I mean, that’s great! Here, my umbrella. Or should I say your umbrella? Since it’s yours now.”

“Thanks,” Irene smiled as she took the umbrella.

Their fingers brushed over each other once again. The girl smiled at the contact and stood a bit closer to Irene. If this was another person, Irene would have moved away but this was a cute girl who offered her umbrella we’re talking about right now.

They stood there in silence. It wasn’t awkward but it felt comfortable somehow.

Irene fidgeted with the umbrella as she watched the rain subside. She was grateful that it finally did, but was a bit sad because it meant that was time to say goodbye to the girl standing beside her.

“So… the rain seems more bearable for travel now,” the girl spoke as she reached out for her helmet. “I think I’ll go ahead.”

“I think I’ll go as well,” Irene nodded and gave her a smile. “Thanks again for the umbrella.”

“You’re welcome. Take care!” the girl gave her that big smile, which made Irene’s knees go weak, before putting on her helmet and starting her bike.

“You too,” Irene waved goodbye as the girl moved away.

She sighed when she lost sight of the girl.

She opened the orange umbrella and started walking home.

While waiting for one of the pedestrian lights to go green, she realized that they never introduced each other. She wished she started up another conversation with her, maybe by then she could have gotten her name, but small talk wasn’t really her thing. Nonetheless, she thanked the gods for letting her meet this girl and for her umbrella.

When she reached her apartment, the rain grew stronger once again. She placed the umbrella at the side for it to dry and noticed something she didn’t notice before.

At the edge of the canopy, there was something written on it.

Irene looked closer and couldn’t help but  smile.

Kang Seulgi. 080-xxxx. Please return if found.

This day wasn’t so bad after all.

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Chapter 3: Awww, I love love stories ... the fluffy, sweet kind that makes your cheeks hurt because you're smiling so much. It's a constant reminder of my own feelings. Who would not want to re-live falling in love? It is a nice addiction to have.

I enjoy your one-shots. They're very well written and provide a wonderful read. Thank you! :-)
RedAce #2
Chapter 6: This was so good! I loved it!!!! I'm crying... My emotions
575 streak #3
Chapter 6: Wow. More seulrene please
Chapter 6: [me in my stan twitter voice] attach me to a rocket and launch me to the outer space seulrene

kek, this was really cute, sydney is happy thank you
angelsknock #5
Chapter 4: OMO! I hope you write another seulri one shot soon!! I loved it
Chapter 5: lol my umbrella dunt have name should i do that to get irene too hahaha
Seulrenetrash23 #7
Chapter 5: This is very cute. Will it be too much to ask for a sequel? Thank you for writing this.
mokimoki #8
Chapter 5: Sequel pls
Silvercopper #9
Chapter 4: Omg finally a SeulRi story!! Gosh I've been looking around >< I loved this!