Sing to Me a Song of Waves


Sing t’me a song of waves, and call me heart t’sea.


A’hoy, matey! Prepare yerself for a long voyage aboard the Lan Hua! Where sirens are not the only monsters to roam these waters.

With our first collaboration, Thorn and Feather, now complete, we chose a new project amongst our numerous ideas, thus, here we are, ready to board this ship! (If you aren’t a huge fan of Krisho, you will be. We’ll take you down with this ship (HA).) We have a ton of notes, too. (For real, we have pages. So many pages.)

We do not plan on this fic to get as long as certain others (*cough* Thorn and Feather *cough*), but sometimes, one must go with the tide. We will see if we keep this at a reasonably short length. We usually fail at that. Anyway.

As our schedules will take a drastic turn, the time to write will be limited, so while TF took some time to finish, no doubt, it was done with more time in our hands than what will be available from now on. Hence, expect very slow updates. Better arm yourselves with patience!  (And with 'very slow updates', we probably mean one ever half year, haha... OTL  Hopefully, summer will give us more time to write! Chapter 2 is currently halfway done.)


At the moment, the fic is not rated as a whole, but will only mark the chapters that require it. If we feel it needs to be bumped up, we will adjust the rating accordingly.


Meg’s Note: If you thought Nat and I were done breaking these boys, guess again. We are back! And with a new AU, this time pirates (*takes a moment to bask in the glory that is EXO as pirates*) and sirens and all of the trouble we could think to put into this. It’s funny that this all started with a gif set of Yifan trying to get out of running into the ocean in EXO Showtime, and Junmyeon shooting him a pouty face, which resulted in Yifan going in. Of course, my brain took that and ran, and Nat and I tend to make things hurt so much more when we get together, so here we are! *Switches to pirate talk with a smirk* So if ye’re ready, mate, hoist the colors, and set sail fer that horizon.

Nat’s Note: All aboooard! As Meg declared above, we are nowhere near done breaking our lovely boys. We’ve hardly even begun, heh. But, yes, welcome aboard the Lan Hua, which will take you through this new fic with Krisho as the main pairing, and some sides, á la TF, and pirates, sirens, and danger. And a bottle of angst, because let's face it, Meg and I cannot not do angst. (Though that is to say, I think this won’t be too angsty, but. Don’t hold me up on that. Haha.) Join us fer a mighty voyage in the age of pirates! Here, there be monsters.


For more details ish of how this idea set sail, have the link to the very gifset that caused this ( and the words “Yifan and Jun in water. Heh,” which ultimately led to Krisho with Jun as a siren and Yifan as a pirate. Yay!

So forth you aren't coming directly from TF, here's a bit more about the plot, ish:  Prepare for (reluctant) pirate Yifan, who catches the attention of Junmyeon the siren, whilst he learns to trust in Captain Zhang Yixing and the crew of Lan Hua. But be warned, sirens are not the only monsters at sea.


Update 16th of January, 2016: This fic now has a poster! We are beyond pleased with the result <3  Huuuge thanks to Spotlight Posters - a highly skilled team of designers - for making this!


​Disclaimer: No idols were harmed in the making of this story.


Hey ho, a pirate’s life for us! Until we set sail!

16/01/2016 - A'hoy, scallywags! Check out the poster! Furthermore, the first chapter has been written, but is undergoing edits. The tides will soon be upon ye.


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2446 streak #1
Chapter 2: wow... two years hihihi
but tbh, I'm just glad it wasn't an a/n stating that this was gonna be discontinued

anyway, Yifan is warming up to the crew!
I wonder what personal experience he's had with pirates for him to fear them so much... but I think the warning abt the sirens was most important in this chapter... is Jun gonna be one who'll seduce Yifan and lure him into danger???
I was just thinking about suho as a mermaid just this morning and here you are currently making it. You guys rock!
Chapter 1: Well, dis is surprising and uncommon, THE BEST TBH
Can't wait for the next chapter !

"Ayaya" u guys are having fun, i love it
Chapter 1: Yeayy This is amazing! I'd love to read more of myun as a mermaid~
2446 streak #5
Chapter 1: i think this is really interesting!
let's see how the story unfolds!
can't wait for the next update
Lielee #6
Chapter 1: You guys mentioned angst and I prepared my heart for it but 'Ayaya' kept popped up and ruined everything. I love angst. Angst is life! Fighting for the next chapter!
Hysenk #7
Chapter 1: *insert 'it's been 84 years...' gif*
I already really like the setting tbh, even though we dont know a lot yet, but that's the fun in your stories : you leave us wondering. And i ing love that. Like whzt happened to Yifan, what was that person in the water (probably junmyEON HAHAHAHAHHAAH), what is the Ayaya and why is Yifan where he shouldn't be, and maybe why are Yixing and his crew pirates. Ughhhhh.
As always, a fantastic work from the both of you ♡♡ !!
Chapter 1: Awesome start! And also, the poster is to die for, really beeautiful and so fitting!
Chapter 1: Ooooh, how nice ❤ the pirate adventure is beginning!!!!
I loved this chapter, starting out so dramatically, wow, but, is also really pleasant ❤ although I have doubts that the waters will continue to be calm, LOL
Looking forward to the next chapter ❤❤❤❤