The next day

The life of a Cat **Pt.2 COMING SOON**

Last night was close I almost scared J-Hope away and that can’t happen he is my last chance. When I woke up I immediately started to purr. I walked up to his face and I started nuzzling him. People like cute things so I had to be cute.


“Good morning little man” he said wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into his chest


He wanted to cuddle so it was cuddle time I purred louder and louder I even let out a little tiny cry almost like a squeak.


“Aww your so cute…are you hungry lets feed you” he said getting up and carrying me to the kitchen




“I need to go food shopping I will pick up some stuff after  work so how about a PB&J sandwich” I took out the peanut butter and the jelly opened the lids and left them on the counter


I turned around to get the bread out of the drawer after I got 4 pieces of bread I turned around


“OH….MY….GOD….you ate the entire jar of jelly wow I guess you really like jelly…..THATS IT!!!! Im gunna name you Jamz” I said patting his head


I pulled out another jar of jelly and made us both a PB&J and I made sure to put extra jelly on his. He ate the whole thing so fast it was amazing.


“you got a big appetite for such a small thing……oh look at the time I got to go…..later jamz” I said as I rushed out the door


After work I stopped at the store I got a lot of food but I also picked up some can food to see if he likes the food he should eat. When I walked in the door Jamz way playing with one of the controllers to my Xbox.


“Hey Jamz you want to play some games” I said joking but I felt like playing a game or two so I decided to hook up a controller for him just joking around of course.


“HOW DO YOU KEEP BEATING ME YOU’RE A CAT AND YOU HAVE BEAT ME FOUR TIMES NOW” I said getting upset that I was being beaten by a cat




“Ok that’s it!!! one more game” I said getting angry


I didn’t understand it but he beat me again


“You know what why don’t we go for a walk I bought a harness for you while I was out” I said grabbing it and hooking him up


We went for a long walk around the block he seemed to like it. After our walk it was pretty late I decided to turn in for the night since I had work tomorrow. When I layed down Jamz jumped up and curled up right on me which I didn’t mine.

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Chapter 3: "and now we have no jams" ahahah!!!!
hyleess #2
Chapter 5: im laughing so hard at almost 4am lmao this is so funny srsly i almost rolled on the ground lmao good job anyways :-)
Anonymous1123 #3
Chapter 5: I love this
It's so weird that it's hilarious
BlueeWings #4