d r e a m w o r k s -- REOPENED !


where all your dreams can come true (layout credit)

Ever had one of those dreams which you never wanted to wake up from? Maybe you were on a vacation with all of your best friends, or maybe that person you were hardcore crushing on for the past year finally asked you out, or maybe you accomplished your childhood dreams you had been so desperately striving for your entire life.

Or maybe you finally got to meet your one and only ultimate bias in your favorite K-pop group of all time, only to be suddenly jerked out of sleep thanks to your alarm on a Monday morning. 

Well, this story doesn't end like that.

Come share your K-pop dreams, especially the ones that didn't quite go the way you planned. Share the dreams that made you wake up thinking, 'Why didn't I just kiss him?' or, 'Was that Kim Jongin in my dream and I didn't even realize it??' Share the dreams that made you furious about having to get out of bed and focus on reality. Share the dreams that made you wish you had stayed in dreamland just a little longer.

I promise, this time they'll have a happy ending.
Hello everyone~ I've never done anything quite like this before, but I'm hoping that it can make for some interesting stories! I know I myself have had countless experiences of waking up from an extremely uneventful K-pop dream, and as I was discussing this unfortunate struggle with my good friend (and insanely good author) Leah, the idea to make this collection of stories was born! Now, as much as I hate rules, we must have some, so please read before submitting your dreams!

1. To submit your dreams, simply leave a comment on the story! Try to keep it as short as you can, because this will be copy-pasted into the beginning of the chapter I make for your dream. A few sentences to one full paragraph is ideal! If you would like to be anonymous, you can pm me your dream and I will not mention your username in the chapter at all.
2. Those of you who are familiar with my stories know that I am not shy of writing . So therefore, is allowed if you would like it, but absolutely NOT with any idols born after 1997. I am a 96 liner, so I do not mind writing about idols who are only a year younger than me, but any idol born after 1997 such as Vernon or Dino are no-no's when it comes to .
3. For now, I will be doing all of these in "You" format, rather than using OC's or specific names. This rule may change later on, but I've always favored using "you" when it comes to oneshots.
4. A little bit of angst and drama makes things interesting, but I will not accept any extreme cases such as or murder. I know those are more nightmares than dreams, but please share the lighter, happier dreams with me. If you would like some drama and excitement thrown in there, then let me know and I can see what I can do. For example, it is manageable for me to make Myungsoo your forbidden, bad boy gangster boyfriend, but he will not be running around killing people. ONLY HAPPY ENDINGS!
5. Please follow the submissions format below; it makes it easier for me to understand what you want, and there won't have to be several exchanges of questions and confusions which will only delay updates. But of course, if you have any questions about submissions, please feel free to either comment or pm me! [silvermonkeyfish]  

1. Your dream; try to keep it short and simple, to the point! I understand that details are important, so if there are any specific instances you would like to keep in the story then feel free to share, but the whole point of this is for me to make a oneshot based off your dream, not for you to do that! A simple setting, and of course, the people in the dream, will be good enough. Ex: In my dream, me and Mark were cuddling on the couch together. Youngjae, Jinyoung, and Yugyeom were sitting with us and we were all watching a movie. Mark leaned in to kiss me, but then I woke up.
2. or Fluff?
3. Any other specific requests? Ex: I would like Mark to be wearing his yellow hoodie with the donuts on it. // I want a little bit of drama. // Please don't include things like _____________.

And of course, upvotes are not necessary but very appreciated. ^-^ 





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-In my dream...
Jungkook and I are in the same clique and I have liked him since forever but I can't bring myself to confess cause I feel like he likes someone else. On a road trip with our college clique he's the driver and that time he, Yeri and I were the only ones awake in the car. They're talking but they dont know I'm half-awake. Yeri then confesses her feelings to him while I was feeling helpless and hopeless as I stay silent and wait for his reply to her
-Just fluff please
-that dream was such a tease haha. You decide what happens next

787 streak #2
The other day I had a dream. I kept hugging Jeonghan, but he told me to stop hugging him in public. Then I woke up.

Welcome back, by the way ヽ(^o^)丿
kpop_angel44 #3
In my dream...
I was at a club with my friends and Mark was there with his (I may or may not have been listening to David Guetta's Where Them Girls At? at work...) and everyone was paired up, me with Mark, and dancing --and then I woke up.
Specific requests? can there be some drunken drama in there?

I had this dream last night after reading the Jungkookie oneshot you wrote!!! (coincidence? I think not! haha JK)
In my dream Taecyeon and I are were having a nice quiet night alone until his friends show up. We were about to kiss when Jun.K started to make fun of us then I woke up.
No specific requests

Thank you
Chapter 1: oh my gosh... kekeke..****blushing**** nice!!! ***wiggle eyebrows***
Chapter 1: Ooohhhhh~ ^^ Lawdy ♡ I love this concept! I have not had a lot of dreams with Kpop idols. Just a few here and there ^^ ♡ I cant wait for the next one~ Fighting!!
kpop_angel44 #7
-- In my dream, Jungkook and I were in a dance studio practicing late at night but then I kept messing up and he got mad and yelled at me, I cried because he didn't notice that I got hurt, he got his stuff and left. I was tired from dancing and crying so I fell asleep _end of my dream
-- please!
-- specific requests? umm, idk? could it hardcore/dirty ?

I feel like a pedo noona... I'm like 5 years older! D:
May I request another?
Ex: In my dream, me and Suho and I had an argument and he stormed out.Suho came back after cooling down and we were making out when his Sehun called him.Iwas losing his neck and when he was about to kiss me back I woke up.
3. Any other specific requests? little bit of drama please
Thank you
787 streak #10
I just happened to come across this! It sounds like a good idea, good luck ;)
Jiayou! =^.^=