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About Me

Hello there..? 

happy jieun is happy.

happy jieun is happy.

HELLO MY FELLOWS READERS / WRITERS, yliuna here to (finally) serve you. Okay so, I'm far from being comfortable with speaking to a hollow (because clearly, who's going to read this lmao). I'm a seventeen years old mermaid who bascially writes fanfictions in her shell-shaped bed room. I'm a damn aff(x)tion and starcandy, because who needs BOYS when there's some f(iu). My fictions are based on my dreams (and, well, my nightmares), what is plagiarism tbh. Hopefully you'll enjoy the production of my twisted mind. I love each and every one of you. 

[still trying to figure out why i love jeon jungkook and do kyungsoo so damn much.]