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About Me

My name is Silo.

I love K-Pop. Don't we all? I also love to write. I have hundreds of stories buzzing around in my brain all the time, many of them involving my favorite K-pop stars, and sometimes I write them down. That's why I joined this website. Hopefully someone will get some enjoyment out of them.

My favorite groups, in order of preference, are EXO, 2NE1, Girls' Generation, Big Bang, and SHINee. I love many more, but those are my elite.

EXO is my absolute bias. They can do no wrong. My Top 5 members are Luhan, Lay, Sehun, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol. My HunHan ship sails harder than any ship that has ever sailed on any lake, river, or sea. HunHan is most likely everything in the universe, and all else is probably nothing.