Personal Message

works in progress:

Friends with Many Benefits starring Byun Baekhyun

"She reads a. He watches . They're both ually frustrated 85% of the time-- resulting in various situations that may turn their newfound status as roommates into something a little bit more complicated. Oh Naeun and Byun Baekhyun are about to find themselves mixed into each other's ual lives whether they like it or not. But perhaps—a flair of something else completely unrelated to how they are will spark into action as the story unfolds."

slight hiatus:

He's Cold as Ice starring Kim Myungsoo:

"My name is Park Seul Mi. I was born as an Imperial, a family of wealth and power. I was taught to be capable, elegant, and perhaps even polite at times. But that never changed who I really was, a down-to-earth girl who just wanted to laugh and become normal at times. A girl who wanted to be seen as normal. But I couldn’t be that girl, as the Industry had set guidelines and even though my family held high status, the Industry always came first."

Game Over starring Jo Jonghwan

"In South Korea, computer games are all the rage. A particular one, ‘주문’ (Spell), is played by thousands and is gaining popularity by the day. Kwon Sena is known to be both a goddess in game and in real life. Her combat level surpasses the majority of the players, and her character, Ara, possess the rarest personalization packs and items. Not only this, but in real life, she’s no joke either. You can often catch her dazzling smile on the television screen as she models with a glass of Soju beer or at her university dilligently studying. This twenty year old vixen has it all. That is, until she meets a mysterious character in game by the name of J-H who has suddenly surpassed the scoreboard rankings-- oblivious to anything."