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Comments (16)

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If i found story that i like, whatever genre i'll go fast even when they're not end yet, to upvote and leave comments. Because im simple like that. And i drop my comment for those amazing author as appreciation. I dont find beautiful story everyday. And they really deserve whole lot love for good (i can only give love, comments and upvote because im broke lol)
For me, I always comment on a story I read. Every author deserves a comment for their hard work. An upvote to me is a more reserved right persay? I only upvote stories that I really enjoy. Stories that get me emotionally involved.
BaekYeolFan_ #3
Ok, maybe this is weird but i'll guess you mind find this intresting...
My upvoting is a weird process and depends largely on the story. If i find myself in a oneshot/ twoshot i'll wait thill the end to upvote ( to ensure that i like the end and the story as a whole, specially because it's so easy to get to the end).

Up to here you'll think it's not that weird and that picking letter c would suffice... But not really. I read many fics of many fandoms in several pages and formats and so many times i read several chaptered fics at once. And this is when my second point comes in: i use my upvoting as a note to myself that i really enjoy this particular story, which seems like you haven't concidered. It's not only that but also the fact that for many stories here subscribing is mandatory if you want to read it, and though i get it, it means i hace to rely on my upvotes to know if i'm truly really enjoying this story ( and in case mi otp is portrayed in a way i really enjoy/ the plot is really great/ i find the idea incredibly original/ just think the idea and chracters were really nicely devoloped/etc i bookmark them as favs)

A and b also play a role but depending on the story it makes it 'worth' my upvote. For example, a can be a mayor factor in a crack story in which baek's sass and the general attitudes and portrayal of exo is not only touching/ funny but usually drives the plot and makes the characters seem more real.

B is the most unlikely for me. Chances are that if i care enough about the characters i upvoted way before a mile stone and raved about their cuteness/ my heartbreak ( in angst) in the comments way before too. Still i concidered it because ahe artfelt moment or baek's sassy answer that made yeol fall for him are moments that ( if written correctly) make me super exited about the story and thus the little button at the end of the page that gives me the posibility to upvote without having to go back to the foreword comes in handy.

Basically my point is that there are many factors at once and not one that prevales above all . In this case it' been several chapters in that i upvoted and the only thing i can say was that i thought "this is really well done, i like it"
Un fortunately i went back and the story doesn't appear as upvoted for some reason... I went back to the foreword and click upvote several times and nothing changed... I'll surely try again later because i still think the same way as that other time.

I don't think this helped at all, oh well.
I don't typically think about up voting stories. The problem with me is that I'm incredibly convenience driven and AFF doesn't make up voting convenient enough for me. Sure, I could do it as soon as I open the story, but I haven't read it yet. How to I know the story is good? So then you say, "If you're not going to up vote right away, then do it when they update so that the button is right there". But when someone updates their story, if it's good enough to me to warrant giving it an up vote, I more often than not forget to up vote it when I come back because I'm too excited to get to the updated material. And then when I finish reading it, I close out of the tab and forget about the up vote again. I'm awful and I know it. My not up voting has nothing to do with the quality of the story. With Beholden, I really do enjoy the story very much and up until now I have simply not thought about up voting, but I'm also a silent reader who doesn't express their gratitude because I've got anxiety and I've hurt feelings with comments before because I use sarcasm and it doesn't translate well on the internet. I'm afraid and I'm forgetful and I'm actually a little upset at myself because my inability to express apparently hurts people like you and it's not intentional.
For me, I generally upvote as soon as I like it. Lately, it has happened often. So If I liked the plot, characterization, detail, originality, creativity, etc - I'll be quick to upvote especially if the fic is ongoing.

But in cases where the the story is completed and lets say I'm hooked (with no going back!), then I am eager to complete (& very curious about) what happens next - so I don't stop reading until I reach the end. Usually, I comment very often (is that a good thing?). But in this case, I don't spend time to comment and instead just click for the next chapter. Just cuz I'm too hooked and damn curious. Same with the upvoting - I'll do it at the end since I like the fic and leave a positive comment.
tarepandawind #6
eventho i vote for D,but actually i didnt upvote that many,,option D is close to my reason,,i vote for a fic that hv a plot,able to hold my interest,not just pure ,n im only read my otp so yeah,,,usually i vote as early as on the 1st chapter,,
ILoveMinAndMin #7
Even though i voted in the poll i'll say it again, even though I also feel like i am repeating what others said.... I tend to almost always upvote at the end, as a way of saying I have finished your story and I appreciate it... sometimes (rarely) I will upvote in the middle but its rare... I tend to think of upvoting as a way of thanking the author rather then showing you are currently in the process of appreciating their work.... I also used to be y about commenting just because it always felt like i was just repeating what others had already said or what i wanted to say wasn't good enough... but i have slowly tried to get better about it...
For me it depends. I usually like to wait for the end of a story to evaluate the whole story. Because 1. the ending can do a lot and is important and 2. I don't want to judge just one part of a whole because there's only one upvote button so I think the story should be complete. Well, that's nice and all, but yeah, as an author myself I know the feeling of giving so much work and receiving little in return. So I upvote a story even when it's not finished when it impresses me in a certain way. That can be a good plot, writing style, character style, whatever. It's the thought ''okay, I'm really enjoying what I read''. The problem lies there. If the story doesn't blow you of your feet, but it's still pretty good, how do you tell the author or others or yourself except for comments. I think there should be more than just an upvote function. I for one do upvote more stories to give the authors the feedback that I liked it and if it's a story I absolutely love, I'll put it in my personal label 'favorites'. But I think for many it's difficult because they believe for the upvote button the story has to be.. like on selling niveau or sth? Idk.. it upsets me, too
baeygon #9
I like to upvote when I finished the fic like it's final impressions sort of? (Majority for complete or one shot fic)
But sometimes I give vote in the middle of ongoing fic like beholden too bcs it's guilty to read such a wonderful works with no feedback..
btw I loveee the building of relationships between cb, it's gonna be hottest slow burn!!
Thank you for writing
For me, I upvote whenever I feel that the story I'm reading impacted me in a significant way. Like for Beholden, the attention to detail and the obvious indication of how much research and writing (and re-writing) went into the story made my heart swell with gratitude and appreciation, and the real selling point was the easy emotional attachment and fondness I developed for Baekhyun.

On a side note, I just went back through your works, and I noticed that I haven't upvoted either PR or Middle of December (how dare me). istg I thought I did before, but whoops, how embarrassing! I shall promptly go do what I should have done already ^^
raexrae57 #11
I'm a mix of two answers, and it's all depending on the story. Generally speaking, I tend to upvote a story after it is complete. There are some stories though that I'll upvote almost immediately if it's grabbed me, which was the case for Beholden, and will be the case for PR as soon as I'm done writing this (I can't believe I hadn't upvoted it yet. How dare me.)
KL0904 #12
I feel like I mainly upvote when I felt a story was really moving (emotionally) and just when I really like a fanfiction!
I think it's also that a lot of people simply can't be bothered. Or they don't think the author is 'famous' enough. Like for example, (no shade at all here, just using them as an example) baekyeolangst gets an astounding amount of upvotes for each story, whereas an author who isn't quite as famous might get only 50 or so. It's just a matter of people seeing a more well-known author and going 'omg must upvote because this is going to be good' but then when it's another author they think 'well I better try them out first before upvoting,' then even if they like the story and the writing and plot is amazing, they forget to upvote it or comment. I try to comment, I upvoted on the 2nd or 3rd chapter or something, but sometimes I don't have time to comment. Or I'm on the mobile version. The mobile version - for me - makes it very hard to comment. I'm also very busy, and sometimes I skim through new updates instead of reading them fully even though I WANT to read them fully, and so I don't want to comment in case I say something that might not have fit with the chapter if that makes sense? But yeah, there's a lot of different reasons people do/don't comment. I know a lot of people who only comment once the story is over, too.