for almost four months, i updated the story every week (even while on holiday) and received so much support.


when i started drafting out the plot, i knew exactly how i wanted it to have two endings. the cover artwork was delibrate to hint the two different views hovering over yongsun and forewarnings were dropped somewhere in the chapters. i wanted to create something dramatic; something that will cause a turbulence in my reader's heart after enjoying all that fluff. yes, i enjoy dropping plot twists in my stories.

after reading all the comments again, i must say i really had fun writing this fic and 37k words is already an achievement for me so far :)


theme: time.

ending version 01: cherish what you have as you never know what would happen in the next moment. a hopeful byulyi waited for yongsun to wake up, right until the last second before conceding defeat to the cruel fate.  

ending version 02: be devoted to your partner and believe in them. in this fic - byulyi being much older and sensible, gave yongsun time to mature in her adulthood and work on her career first. marriage? children? don't rush into them.

either way, i'm sure these two endings each has its own charm and meaning for my readers.


once again - dear readers, thank you so much.

i'll be dropping one-shots more often in the upcoming months as i'm kinda hit with a writer's block (for longer fics) and my worklife is getting crazier.


but i must confess, i'm tempted to write a long fic for moonsun that's absolutely fluffy and comedic :)

also, i hope to gather more moomoo readers here to enjoy my wild and chaotic AUs.


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I need byul’s pov when she left, authornim hahaha 🫣 I really love the story 🥺