Please help me find these fics

1st winrina fic: (angst/semi-angst, fluff, oneshot)


From a oneshot story, if I remember it correctly the title was "Turnaround time" wherein winter always do the first move with karina and ask her "who is that guy? (something like that) but is kinda just meh "it's nothing". From then on, winter started avoiding karina and no more good morning messages from her. In the end, karina write winter a letter begging her to comeback to her as she was her turnaround time.



2nd fic: (angst/semi-angst, in relationships)


Winrina is in their 7 years of relationship (or is it 5? idk TT). Karina felt like there's no sparks anymore and kinda wanted to call it off. Ningning berates her and advice her to recall and look back at their relationship for the past years. Karina still stands on what she feel until when winter go to a business trip for a week. There karina realized how much she misses winter so much and that she's miserable without her. She ended up fetching her in the airport and hug her tightly (cute ik). One night, karina finally proposes to winter out of blue but she meant it, and that means winter won't keep waiting any longer.




I really did try searching up these fics but I couldn't find it, may be you could help me guys? >_<


And if you find it or at least know the name of the title or author, please write it down below or give the link. Thank youuuuuu so much!!


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