Yongguk, B.A.P, K-Pop, Life, thank yous. :d

Ok, so, I've never made a post about Yongguk and I'm surprised I haven't. Let me just say that Guk is NOT my bias, but my bias is Himchan. I've went through all of them being my favorite at one point in time over these past 3 years.

(Sometimes, I just want to bury him in the ground and wack him like wack a mole .-. This kills me.)

Youngjae started me off in B.A.P. His voice is amazing, cute, but filled with the emotion of each and every song he sings. 

Then it was Himchan. Oh Himchan, you snarky little . Himchan was my bias for more than a year and I love him dearly for everything he is. He's so beautiful

Next came Daehyun. Little . His voice dominates my every being. And he's a smartass so that makes me love him even more. He's so handsome it's unreal.

Next was Zelo. This didn't stay my bias for very long, but during the time he was, oh lawd I was done for from the beginning.His cuteness and dancing is

After came that we know as Jongup. -___- Let me tell you, he killed my with the 1 second cute next second I would the living hell out of you. And that dancing is perfection. 

Now, I have realized, Yongguk has never been on the top of my B.A.P bias list. I've questioned myself why multiple times. Do I love the others more? Is it because he has so many fans already and I'd feel guilty? Maybe because he only appeals to me every now and then? I didn't know.

But now I do. 

I have never had Yongguk as my bias because to me, Yongguk is just perfection. He's everything that a girl or boy would love to have as their lover. I've never had Yongguk as a bias because frankly, I love him to much to stoop him on that level. My love for Yongguk is just not able to be labled. POINT. BLANK. 

I mean, I love all of B.A.P. But the respect and admiration I have for Yongguk triumphs over any, even my top bias Jonghyun (SHINee), other idol that I have liked. He has respect for anyone and does not like posers. Yongguk and I would get along perfectly. He's a beautiful man, inside and out. If I could say one thing to him, I think it'd be that no matter what life is going to throw at you, and there'll be a lot that is, you have your family to back you up. And for me, your family is Babyz, your siblings, and your members. As you've said before, they're your members and no one elses. You have a strong heart and a strong mindset, and for that you walk on rocks without shoes just to make everyone around you happy. 

You're a great and respectable man, and I'll support you with anything you decide to do, because the Yongguk I've been able to get to know, doesn't back down from a challenge and sure as hell doesn't let haters get to him. 

If someone said something to your family, you'd be the first to tell them to shut the up, because you're that type of man. A fighter; peaceful and easy going, but a fighter when need be. 

I admire you in so many ways it's unreal. I've even gotten back to being outgoing because of your . I've stopped cutting and self harming because of you, because you have such a beautiful body that I think to myself, "What if you harmed yourself? What would that do?" Nothing, because self harming solves nothing. I'd never want to see you be in pain like I've went through in life, so I try to think positive and think of the things you'd do in place of it. 

And writing has been what I've done ever since then. You write songs and poems, I write stories and poems. It helps, it really does, and if that don't, then I have my family (friends, family and subscribers) to help me through the rough patch I'm in. 

My dream of this is to meet all of B.A.P. Because no matter what happened with the lawsuit, they're together. They said you to their company and stayed loyal to themselves. They're not going to let something break them apart, and I can't even fathom how happy that makes me. They'd rather stay close then stay famous, and that's why B.A.P and especially Yongguk has my respect. 

So, to boil it all down. 

Yes, you could say Yongguk is my bias of B.A.P, but I'd say he's above that. Yongguk is the bias of my inspiration. B.A.P is one of those bands that even if you don't like their music, you watch their shows because their personalities get to you in ways no other band would ever get close to doing. 

I'm not saying this as a BABY, I'm saying this as a healthy, 15 year old girl who regrets every cut burn and hole she's ever carved into her body because B.A.P wou'd want that. No one would want that. I'm saying this as a girl who appreciates everything, even the smallest things, because at least I'm warm in the winter and fed before I go to sleep. B.A.P, hell, K-Pop taught me that. And as I'm closing in on my 3rd year of a K-Pop anniversary, I figured it'd be time to post this little message. 

Yongguk has done so much for me in life, as has the rest of B.A.P. And I cannot even form a worthy enough thank you to them. I cut from the time I was 10 until I was 14. 4 years I lived in pain. A year after I had met B.A.P, I lived in pain. But when I sat down and really started to know them, I stopped. I've been 'sober' for 3 months and 15 days as of the 15th of Febuary (today) and each day is a struggle but I win the battle. 

And with Yongguk, with B.A.P, with K-Pop and with my family, I'll win the ing war that's called life. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. 

Thank you, Bang Yongguk, 

Thank you K-Pop

Thank you Subscribers, 

Thank you friends, 

And thank you family 

for always being here with me. 

Sincerely the best ever, 


aka Brandi. 



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