
Really now? First of all, I'm all new, you don't know about me and you make assuptions already? I haven't gone to your school in 5 months yet and you already make trouble for me? Alright, hush, . Listen, even though YOU ted us, WE actually went to you to apologize. But alright? If you don't want to fix the conflict as grown ups, okay. But , don't make the whole situation worse. Telling the whole class that YOU were the victim when you were the one practically USING us? Making US the bad guys? Honey, no. So now that EVERYONE thinks YOU'RE the victim, they keep talking about us. "You don't know how much she's been through" "You can't compare to what she has seen"? 

What the actual ? Have you even thought of how much WE have been through? ing hell, I lived 8 years of my life, bullied. I have seen what a child shouldn't see. I have deeper wounds inside me than what you can see. ing hell, I've been SUED 2 times for a misunderstanding, and you think you have gone through much? You know what. you. all of you. Don't think that you know me. You won't either. I didn't want to go back to that person, but I got no choice. 

Krissy's back.


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Keep strong, okay? I was also gone throught this. This damn girl was accusing me for something I don't even care about. I know it hurts.. The person who did this to you is a real and jerk. ( sorrynotsorry) . And whoever who judge you, they are just to blind and lazy to seek up for the truth themselves and just believe what people says. Be strong, okay?? I know we're not close in AFF, but if you need anything, you can always talk to me. :))
Who the crap is giving you this treatment? >:( that's no way to treat anyone. Try your best to ignore that person, and they'll probably back off. Don't let them get to you! That's exactly what they want. Stay strong, and remember, i'll always be here if you ever need to talk!