Please tell me this isnt TRUE T^T ( B.A.P)

Its has just been announced that all of the B.A.P members have filed a lawsuit againist TS entertainment for their SLAVE contract.


      Call me a little "" but i am balling my eyes right now!! B.A.P is one of the first groups that has gotten me into loving and being "obessesed" with kpop. After hearing this i am extremely heart broken T^T Although its a good idea to file againist TS entertainment for the SLAVE contract but waiting game for good result or even a new comeback is heartbreaking!!  I dont understand why companies would make there idol who have so much talent into their slaves!! I never would have thought this would happen to B.A.P.... its really FRUSTRATING!! ITs going to take me and extremely long time to recover from this one. im not even recovered from Luhan and Kris leaving EXO-M.... I just dont what to do but just be strong and supportive for B.A.P \...Sorry for venting just really had to get this off my chest.

Thank You, Marley


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Leah_Rose #1
Marley, i know it , i can relate. I don't know BAP but i am here to tell you that everything's gunna be alright and even if its true, that they filed against, dont be sad, dont cry, they still have eachother and they have you (the fans) so please, try to stay positive and wipe those tears away from your beautiful face. A girl like you shouldn't be so down. Good luck and try to stay as positive as you can :)