The Past


Call me a but before you judge read this first and then judge me all you want. Hate me, say mean stuff to me, do whatever you want but read this first.

I had a boyfriend. He's my bestfriend and i never had feelings for him. When our fair in school came he gone to our school and we hang out. I wa about to go home when he confess to me. Since im blind and wanted to feel love i said yes (A/N: we have the same situation TamTamlovesChanyeol) our relationship last only 4 days cause i keep saying to him I love you too but i never love him.

I was blind and wanted to feel love from someone. We never gone on dates, we just talk on the phone and my mom always caught talking on the phone. I broke up with him through the phone and i keep on saying im sorry to him and he said it was okay and i should stop saying sorry to him.

Right now we are going to have a fair means he is going to my school and i wanted to apologize to him properly. He has a girlfriend who will love him, not like i do but im glad that he found someone that will love him.

He waited for 3 years for me to be his girlfriend and i will just do that to him. I felt guilt and it always haunted me before i sleep but some how in the middle of our relationship i some how loved him (A/N: only a little). When i broke up with him a felt a slight pain in my heart. Which i deserve.

He send me a text saying "Can you love me even if you just pretend to love me. So i will forget the pain im feeling" I cause him pain that he should not feel. Everyday of my life i felt guilt and in my head i keep saying "I hurt someone whom i should not hurt" Until now i also want advice from someone


Unnie your not the only one. Me too i had a boyfriend whom i didn't love that much but say it before he gets too hurt. Remember he is the one who's getting hurt.


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