Sungmin and then some.

So Sungmin’s getting married and while I’ve known about this since the announcement I didn’t bother to say anything- now I will.

Congratulations Sungmin, you deserve it. I am happy that he was able to find someone he wants to spend the rest of his life with; that’s a feat some people can’t even seem to fathom.

I am well aware of all the hate he’s been getting and I’ve been reading things around the internet regarding the other members and their previous ‘scandals’ and some of you fan’s claiming to support Sungmin but are baffled by the fact that no one made a big deal out of the other member’s previous issues are sitting their spouting off with your blinders on.

People still hate Kangin to this day.

Believe it or not people were angry when Shindong announced his proposal, and ended it and then started dating someone new as of this year. They still hate him for certain things he’s said.

They’ve gone after Leeteuk.

Kyuhyun was hated on.

Kibum and Hangeng were after they left.

The list is long; the list is long for all celebrities.So yes, as the hate is pointless, it happens to them all- not just Sungmin. The best you as a fan can do is move past it, quit bringing up the issues and support the individual.

And moving onto those who are upset over the issue; Sungmin, much like every other celebrity and human being in the world has a personal life and what gets me is the fact that people think they have the right to stick their nose in it. Which is completely wrong because at the end of the day it’s none of your business what someone does in their personal life; if they aren’t hurting anyone, getting hurt, what’s it to you? Sungmin didn't even need to make the announcement because he does not owe it to anyone, it's his life and he chose to and now people should move on. There are things 'fans' will never know about their idols and they have no right to know- idol's do not owe their 'fans' a thing.

It's as simple as that; wake up people, you're all acting a little ing ridiculous.




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People really hate him..? I mean..I'm sad about it all- in general I'm very sad whenever idols get a GIRLfriend cause even IF they were gay..they'd not be allowed to scream it out loud-- aaaanyways what was with Kangin..? Why do/did people hate him..? Hate is such a strong word...
One can only consider themself an E.L.F if said person is happy for their cherished idiols instead of bashing them for not being single anymore and etcetera. After all that has happened in the kpop industry this year, and there might be some more to follow, I guess this was expected. They're at a age where they're not considered so popular anymore, therefore they need to build a bridge to their future. Stating my honest opinion, I love them for their music and their personality, and I keep myself away from any possible drama regarding them. Super Junior is my forever biased group and will continue to be.