Done with this that is called SM

Honestly? The whole thing with Kris kind of made me really sad and because he was my first bias, the Jessica thing just made me feel terrible for snsd and their fans I wasn't personally sad because I'm not really a sone. But now the Luhan thing? It's too much. Like this time it's obvious that it is because of SM. Lay even posted on his weibo this message to Luhan. He says that he will always support what Luhan chooses to do. I think that the exo members were already aware of this whole issue and is actually supporting him. The fact that they do so means that they actually suffer that badly for them to feel that Luhan is right in filing the lawsuit. I have a lot of things to say but my brain can't function correctly to phrase what I want to say. 


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Veebi1264 #1
Wait what happened with Luhan? Sorry I'm so slow