Am I the only one who find TTS new album are not that good I would say horrible but some of you might feel offended dont get me wrong I like TTS and SNSD just b'coz I like them it doesn't mean I have to like/agree their new album and not criticize it just like mr mr, last year TTS and SNSD song are awesome but this year i don't know what happen...


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.,same here..i actually like the gr0up.they're one of my fave gr0ups as a matter of fact..i d0nt kn0w what is happening with their s0ngs but i had a feeling that they are trying to make it more westernize which is very far fr0m their original style (fun, y and cute).i als0 think that h0ller is far m0re worse than mr mr..well, everyb0dy has their own opini0n and i'm only stating what i had observe..i h0pe that i w0nt offend any0ne..
.,same here..i actually like the gr0up.they're one of my fave gr0ups as a matter of fact..i d0nt kn0w what is happening with their s0ngs but i had a feeling that they are trying to make it more westernize which is very far fr0m their original style (fun, y and cute).i als0 think that h0ller is far m0re worse than mr mr..well, everyb0dy has their own opini0n and i'm only stating what i had observe..
no, you're not the only one who thinks that. i personally do not like holler at all. i've listened to the whole album a few times, trying to like some of the songs but i just couldn't. they all imo. i was really disappointed since i loved twinkle so much so i had really high expectations for holler. -.- i'm so scared of saying this in public since i know that fans might attack me so i just keep everything to myself. mr mr wasn't my cup of tea either but the whole album weren't that terrible.