*Sigh~* Congrats to Myself.... I think

So, today (9/1/14) my new baby brother is born! Yay! But he was 25 days early and no one was ready for it, we expected it to be like my previous baby brother birth, like on the week it's due, but he came early. And tomorrow is my first day of high school.... I'm really nervous to go since I'm kind a anti social and shy and I think I only have 1 class with my best friend so it's kinda sad and the damn school is far away from where I live, so like in the morning my parents drop me off there, and I have to take two buses back home. It's kinda weird for me to go since I never transferred school unless my school had to move buildings due to the fire that happened it my school. But I'm a little excited to go because of it.

So, I'm not able to due update anything at all that much anymore and I don't have my phone with me since I had to leave it at the hostipal with my mom and my 2nd little brother woke up early in the morning while waking me up at the process and we fell asleep again, and we went to visit my mom, but we couldn't stay for long because my little brother (2nd) wouldn't stop running around the room, trying to play with everything, and now he's sleeping.

I would love to say congrats to myself, but I'm so tired, but I will try to update my stories.

Anyway, see you all later


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Oh, I'll miss you! Please have a good year in school! And don't worry, you'll find friends. I didn't have friends in my classes too, so I made a couple. I hope you will too!
Congratulations! I've always wanted a younger brother! /sobbing/ Is he cute? I bet he issss!
wheres-my-cookie #3
Congratulations! Don't worry about high school! You'll be fine ^^ Fighting! :D
NikkiMikki28 #4
Congrats for a new brother! Regardless of how tv makes high school sound, it isn't that bad. Although, It might be a little awkward at first, you will make new friends in no time. Although I just started my 3rd year of high school, I still have many classes with people I don't know. I hope you're not like me, and are to horribly shy to talk to anyone. Heck, I have had the same class with the same people for 3 years, have barely said a paragraph to any of them because I get nervous, and can't say anything to them. Hopefully, you'll be better than me. Good luck.
I hope everything goes well with your mom and new born brother. Hwaiting!