-first post-


I'm feeling so down. Not just like a normal 'down' feeling, but a ing down 'down' like fml I just want to hurl myself out the window.

I don't know what's wrong with everybody. But then I guess if there's anyone I should blame for this ing misfortune, it would be me.


I failed, in like, 2 of my major math classes, and it would have been fine with me, but my parents think that I've been doin' well when in reality I just want to hide when I see ing numbers. And the teachers are so fast when it comes to discussing how the hell am I supposed to learn. But then I guess it's also my fault because I'm stupid as and I can't do anything right.


I just want to switch to another course to be ing honest. This isn't the course I ing wanted but mygod my parents and all the expenses holy .


Sorry about my rant I just wanted to let it out.


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oh, i'm still in high school and i see that happening. as most asian parents, my mom an dad want be to be either a doctor, lawyer, or engineer. we've lived in canada for a pretty long time now, and they've become more open to things. i don't really know how it happens that someone turns to be a professional in a field they didn't want, but it makes you a lot happier to have the job you want. my friend's older sister was really smart, and she was going to med school, but she didn't really like it. she dropped out and followed her heart into teaching, where she met her future husband, and their first child is on the way!
my course is accountancy and I absolutely have no passion for it. I just can't imagine myself sitting in a cubicle for the rest of my life. My heart really belongs to cooking and I desired to build my own restaurant. As an advice, it's better if you should take a year out. rethink and make decisions that you really believed in. Tbh, I didn't do that since my dad wants me to graduate so he could retire. My parents told me that I should finish my course for the meantime and after graduation. I can enroll in a culinary course and continue to learn and improve. It's nice to have a restaurant where you are the cook and you just know the whole thing operates than relying on other people. It's your life. Decide for it. :)