What's the Meaning Behind You and Your Bias Name?

Well Jinki is my bias and I believe his means 'Precious' and my name means 'Life' in Greek so together our names together would be a 'Precious Life' 😍 πŸ’•

I just added that to the title of my fanfic 'When Jinki Takes Care of Me'Β 


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Mine is a godess's name (NOT funny :<), and my bias' s name... Idk what the hell it means! My biases change a lot, so no surety.....
What's with meanings? If you can have a good life by just seeing the guy, its good (Note : its MY opinion.... :/)
Lol I can never choose a bias, but my name means lioness. So whatever their name means, it'll probably be fierce. (Unless my bias is a guy. OTL)
My name is Sarah, which means Princess. Thankfully I don't have a bias or this will turn pretty weird :)
well, since my name means like a dozen things and amber's name means fire, it comes down to either of these two

blind fire
heavenly fire
Precious Christ Bearer...soooo...that name makes me feel mad guilty over the thoughts I have over this man! >_<
My bias is Kevin Woo and Kevin means "kind, gentle, handsome" and my name is Jasmine which is a flower sooo.... "Kind Flower" cx
Wow cool...my name means evidence in Hindi and Jinki is precious so..."precious evidence?"
Wow I.love it...^^
moonlightangel77 #8
Lol new ship! ^_^
AsiaFanPt24 #9
Sooooooo cute!!! Taemin is my bias, which stands for 'great(Tae) people(Min)', and my name means princess in Hebrew so......
awe that's so cute! ^^ wish I could do that, but I have no idea what Ryeowook's name means, and actually I don't know what mine means either haha XD
OMO.... shipping you guys hardcore right now