What other shippers don't understand

I keep on seeing posts regarding you letting go of your OTPs just because one of them came out with a relationship. In all honestly, I don't really see the point or the sense in this. If an issue like this can break your OTP, then that isn't your OTP. Let me define what OTP is:


According to UrbanDictionary.com,

One True Pairing. Meaning the [sic] your favorite combination of characters in a fandom.


Favorite combination. It isn't defined as "who you believe to be in a relationship." That is just a consequence of you pairing the two. But basically, OTPs are two idols (in Kpop anyway) who you like to be seen together. They're your favorite combination. They don't need to be in a relationship, although that would be the holy grail; you just want them to be seen together. To be together, even if being together means performing in the same event.


An OTP is different from your favorite idol being with another idol (or with your other favorite idol) and you think they're just perfect for each other. This is merely a pairing. (My own thoughts, 2014)


This is what most people think of as their OTP. But you have to understand that, no matter how confusing my explanation may be, a pairing is not equivalent to an OTP.


Don't classify a couple (I'm using couple here as two persons) under your OTP if you only believe that they are in a relationship. No. Classify them in another category someplace else. In a pairing, when this (coming out with a relationship) happens, you cry, yes you get sad, but you move on and say you're happy with whoever they are with. Because you love them. That is true. But that is love for your idols, not for your OTP.


Your OTP is your happiness. That is the reason why a simple 2-second glance between them is enough for you. For two people to glance upon each other, they don't need to be in a relationship. They just need to be put together in one room or event or performance or channel or whatever.  That is why outfits who don't even look the same but has the same color and pattern means a lot to you. You want them to be together that it comes to the point that you don't even care if they are in an actual relationship. You just want them to be together and have a "moment".


And when one of them turns out to be in a relationship with another person, you don't just let go and "leave the ship". If they really were your OTP, you'd cry, yes. maybe even go through the five stages of grief. But after a while, you'd shrug it off and hope that he/she wouldn't marry the other person and someday, somewhere along the road, your dreams for your OTP will come true.


Your OTP deserves better than being left to sink. You have to remember, you have stalked this pair for months, even years. You have come up with theories that you preach to other people. You painstakingly watched videos just to find simple "moments". And for you to drop all these, all your efforts, just because one of them turns out to be in a relationship-this is like abandoning a child you worked hard to raise (forgive me if I offend someone or this comes out wrong. I just couldn't think of a better analogy).


I have more thoughts on this but I can't really put everything here.


So simply put, you just don't. You don't just give up on your OTP just because of a relationship. (Like duh. it isn't marriage.) If you're like me, you probably wouldn't give up your OTP for anything (other than death or, okay fine, marriage). Nope, I'm not being close-minded nor am I defying or going against my idols' choice of significant other. I even support (a few of) them. But when it comes to my OTP, I don't think I would be giving up. I don't even think I have it in me to give them up. I am merely sticking to what I have believed in for years. To what I have lost sleep on for hours of stalking. To what have made me happy when I needed to be.


*Posted this both on Blogger and Tumblr.*

I am dedicating this to my favorite pairings: TaeTeuk, SiFany, BaekSoo and MyungYeol; and to my OTP, YoonHae  (all of whom had one declaring they were in a relationship). To my readers, they know how much I ship these people together. So you'd understand why I wrote this. If you wnat to ask me questions, either personally or anonymously, you can do so on my Tumblr page: http://worthyofsensiblewaterlosses.tumblr.com/


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nerdscandy #1
Omg THANK YOU.... My thoughts exactly and HFIKWBDJAKND we have many favorite pairings in common... Taeteuk sifany and our otp yoonhae :)
pinkeupink #2
Yess..tottally agree with u...