New Ideas and Mixed Feelings

That feeling when you're already juggling FIVE stories and another one jumps into your mind that's itching to be written...


I'm not writing it because if I start ANOTHER one, I'll never finish my other ones.  That and I'm still crazy busy right now so now time to write.  But STILL...


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AshXIII #1
I feel you, gurr. Though instead of the idea popping into my head, it feels like I got sidelined by a bus driven by rabid bunnies. Totally derailing me from any current project.

(pats you on the shoulder)
satrina7 #2
some more JoonHo is always welcome XD
I know this feeling too well. It , what I do is write the main idea and a basic description, like the Rating, the pairing, etc, to get it "out" while not really writing it (because you know I can't), at least to get that itchy feeling from the new idea to go away. Maybe a basic outline? But focus more on your current fics, when you have time of course.
I know that feeling! :)

I have a file called ''story dump' on my notebook where I write down the ideas I have and I work on them one after another, apart from one-shots!
Oh man, I know this feeling so well. I have so many fic ideas on the back burner for now :(
oppach #6
I love reading whatever you write. Write as much as you want. hehe.
Why don't you write them without editing a thing but not post them...? And when it's done, you fix some stuff and you can post one chapter per week or sth xD;