Writing Tips: Great Way to Fight Writer's Block

I suffer from random bouts of writers' block, not usually very serious or anything. But I firmly believe that people get writers' block because there's not enough information — new information — being processed through our brains. When we get stuck chewing on the same idea over and over again, it's very eaasy to out all the inspiration too fast and be left with no more motivation to continue whatever it was you were writing. One way I like to get rid of writers' block is by watching documentaries. Documentaries have no shortage of new, intresting, exciting information about obscure topics. I know it might be hard to get a hold of them in full, but even just watching the trailer could be inspiring, and it could lead you to search for more information about the topic. Here's the link to PBS's POV page which has a list of thought-provoking documentaries. Some of these have trailers, other have schedules of showings, and a few even have the whole documentary attached! Check it, look for a topic that you find interesting, find out more about it, figure out what opinions people have on a specific issue and incorporate it into your story. Not only will you be more inspired but you might even attract other people to that topic. Plus, your story will feel more real when it's based off of real conflicts. 




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Thank you I've been having a very bad writer's block, and almost felt like shutting all my stories down and starting over...

but for some reason, i can't see the films...T^T I'll just look at the prompt then...thanks though :)
Omg, this is a great tip * ^ * I'LL TRY IT NEXT TIME I TRY TO WRITE OMG.

maybe instead of writer's block help, it can be like... prompt inspiration oMG LOL.

Thank you! This helps me a lot ;) ♥
Yay! That sounds really awesome. ^~^ I'll try it out..... :)