I hope people would understand...

When I do not respond to your messages,

When I do not answer your phone calls,

When I do not reply to your text messages,

I am doing it on purpose.

It is because, I don't really feel like talking. 

I mean, if you see me in the classroom or anywhere in particular, I remain quiet and I only talk to you when you ask me something.

But it doesn't really mean that I would love to talk to you.

I am not making myself look like I am important or something.

I just really don't like people in general.

Because, when you people talk to me...

It usually involves having me to do something that would favor them or just because they need to know something.

I am not your supplier. Go find your own things or do your own things, there is no need to bother me for it.

Second, I am not an encyclopedia. If you want to know something, don't expect me to know it. My knowledge of now is only limited. 


I am not anti-social or anything but I prefer to do my own thing. 

The people I dislike the most are the people from school.

If you're in my school, I expect you to tell me everything in school. 

Leave me alone when I'm at home.




I hate you all.  JK 




That's all. Thanks for wasting your time on me. 


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I get what you mean, stay strong when people expect you to do stuff and do what you want to do not what others want. Have a great life darling!^^