THE LAST OF US ::: Koe Matsuoka

Koe Matsuoka

username — Kimiko346

nickname — Ki

activity rate — once week


name — Koe Matsuoka


- Shizuka meaning quiet; she was often quiet in class and rather reserved, many of her classmates didn't know her name and began to call her that

- Sadako (Japanese ver. of the Grudge); her long, black hair and pale skin reminded other of the girl from Sadako

birthdate — September 17, 2004 | 16 years old

birthplace — Japan, Tokyo

RESIDENCE—  China, Guangzhou

ethnicity — Japanese

language — 

- Japanese | native tongue

- English | fluent

- Chinese | basic writting

- Korean | little but enough

OCCUPATION — Home schooled



face claim — Kozue Akimoto

gallery — Kozue-chan

backup face claim — Baek SuMin (Yuko)

gallery — Tumble

appearance — 

She weighs 133 pounds which is quite average for woman that are 5 feet and 5 inches. Her jet black hair and deep brown eyes contrasts with her pale skin tone. She isn't much of the athletic type but she's not totally lazy. There's a small scab on the back of her head hidden in her hair. There is a beauty mark in the center on her neck.


fashion style — Her favorite color to wear is black,, but has a weakness for traditional Japanese clothing.


Double Cross Sword 

BACK-UP WEAPON — Sig Sauer P226 mk25 suppressor (w/ flashlight)

This is my story...


traits —

Good: Loyal/respectful, vigilant, soft-hearted/understanding

Bad: Manipulative, timid, sensitive


personality — 

   Don't let her looks fool you, Koe is a tough, independent individual but also very timid and kind. She uses what she know to her advantage and likes to do most things on her own only with a few exception. When she's in controlshe wants them done her way and doesn't want it any other way. Because of her paranoia she often over-evaluates things but it helps her be more vigilant. She knows when she shoul be serious and when she should be calm. Because she is timid she can be get overwhelmed with others easliy and won't open up to you until she feels like she's ready. She often hides her emotions very well but sometimes she can be extemely sensitive on touchy subject (she'll cry if you bring up her mother). She is easily embarrassed and does not like being the center of attention.

   Now that there's an apocalypse at hand she had to toughen her self up in order to keep herself safe. She is trustworthy and loyal/respectful but expects the same thing back. She is cautious with everything she does. But when she's in that fighting mode stand back because that is where she lets all of her emotion out and about; sometimes she may even get carried away from holding her feeling in too long. Even though things have gone bad she is still soft-hearted and understanding, on the other hand, she can manipulate others with that to get what she needs. She can survive on her own but enjoys the company of others.


background —

   Tsubaki Nishimoto, the daughter of a notorious Yakuza gang fell in love with Toshio Matsuoka, a simple school boy. It all began when Tsubaki's mother hired Toshio to tutor Tsubaki. Being the only child she was forced to take over and become leader of the Yakuza that is until Toshio came along. Toshio was just a regualr, everyday student who never stood out. For Tsubaki it was love at first sight, she knew he was the one. Tsubaki  wanted Toshio but of course the father would never except that. As time went on he also developed feeling and decided to try and get her father's approval by joining the Yakuza but that proved to do nothing. Tsubaki's mother had always supported her but she could never go against her husband so everything was kept secret. A couples years later their relationship was discovered and Tsubaki's father was furious. Toshio tried his best to talk him into freeing her from the Yakuza and letting her live normally but that only angered him more.Tsubaki and Toshio ended up running away together and was able to get married. On September 17, 2004, two year after the marriage, a baby girl was born. They named her Koe, meaning voice, hoping she'd be able to speak out for what she believed in. They lived happily for a few years until the father sent an assassin to kill Toshio. Sadly, the assassin was mistaken and shot Tsubaki instead leaving the little girl tramatized and a man thirsty for revenge. 

    After the tragic incident Toshio brought Koe to Tokyo with him and he raised her there. Tramatized and paranoid Koe was became reserved and would hardly ever speak. Koe was alone for most of her life and had to learn to be independent. Although her father loves her he was hardly ever around and distanced himself from her. Her school life was not any better, moving to Tokyo was a transition for her. If she doesn't get close to others then no one else will get hurt and she won't hurt like she did that day. Going into junior high she was nicknamed Sadako and many of her classmates wouldn't dare to go near her. She took on Kedo at the end of her junior year, giving her something to do to pass the time. She also took a a biology classes about plants and the human body just in case she'd one day need it. She attended her first year of high school at Tokyo High School but doesn't stay there for long when her father packs their things up and leaves for Korea. There she meets Kim JongDae, the son of her father's friend. In the year she  stayed there she was never really close to JongDae but began to slowly open up to him when both suddenly had to go to China. As she slowly opens up to JongDae and her grandmother they become very important to her.


likes — 

Black, animals, camellias, kendo, traditional Japanese clothing, rain/the cold, singing, jokes


Sweets, crowds, people who don't take responsibility for their own actions, that one person that takes everything as a joke and goes too far, when someone mentions her mom

hobbies — 

Watching the rain, Kendo, watching others (seeing their behavior), singing

habits — 

- She has a bit of an OCD problem when it comes to organization

- Continuously picks at the scab on her head (you know how annoying scabs are)

- When pressured she has a hard time making decisions

trivias — 

- Waiting to see her father again

- She took Kendo back in Japan for a few year

- Humor is the way to her heart

- She has never been in love

- often goes off on her own

- isn't into smoking or drinking


my family...

family — 

— Toshio Matsuoka | Father | Former Yakuza | wants revenge

— Tsubaki Matsuoka | Mother | murdered by an assassin sent by her father

— Kimiko Nishimoto | Grandma | Tsubaki's mom

— Mizuki Nishimoto | Grandpa | Leader of a notorious Yakuza gang (wants to find Koe even after the Apocalypse)

my Partner(s) in crime

friends — 

— Kim JongDae (Chen) | Son of Father's friend |  fluent in Korean & Chinese; knows basic Japanese & English | He can be blunt at times but only because he is worried about Koe | weapon: baseball bat

— Tama | Pet cat | a stray she found while in China; he is much like Koe

the love of my scarry life

love interest — Jung HoSeok | February 18, 2001 (J-Hope of BTS)

backup love interest —  Kim JongDae (Chen of EXO)


personality — Just like Koe, looks can be a bit decieving when a tough looking guy turns out to be a bit of a coward. Yes, he may be the bright, outgoing person everyone sees but he is definitely a scaredy-cat. But even when he is scared he will not back down when something or someone important is on the line. Though, through the darkness he is still hopeful. He is trust worthy and tried every hard to impress others. At times he can be conceited and unorganized. He is a very humorous person but sometimes he has bad timing.


relationship —Koe first meets HoSeok when her and JongDae are out looking for a quick escape at the harbor. Going from boat to boat they find no hope for an escape but they do find J-Hope. Checking around one of the boats Koe encounters HoSeok and he attacks with a fly swatter (like in the gif). They take him in.

   Koe, like always, didn't open up to him at first but his humor and persistance won her over. He's usually into cute girls but something about Koe makes his heart race. He sort of depends on her when it comes to zombies but if she needs someones help he will go out of his way to help her and won't back down. once she realizes she likes or loves him she get shy and embarrassed quickly when around him. They are very loyal towards each other and takes things slow because the respect each other.



comments/suggestions —

- I'm really sorry if there's too much or a lot of this doesn't make sense or some things contradicts others.... as you can tell I'm no writer being the reason I'm applying for this ^ ^

- you can kill off tsubaki's mother (Koe's grandmother) she's not that important

scene requests — - I know 808_Appler, i'm hoping she'll apply soon but if we both get in we'd like to meet up sometime in the story :3

password — The Walking Dead

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