Book recommendations?

Just as the title says, I am looking for any books you guys liked or recommend for me to read. I'm currently working at a bookstore and I wanted to see if you guys have any good books? Please let me know! And thanks again!


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The Divergent Trilogy, The Lunar Chronicles, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Hero's of Olympus (related to Percy Jackson), and of course The Fault in Our Stars;
The Host by Stephanie Meyers, The Complete set of Sherlock Holmes, Paper Towns and The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, and Rick Riordan books like Percy Jackson and The Olympians etc. etc.
Well, it depends on what kind of book you like. Fantasy? Romance? For I, love fantasy stories very much! On books at least. I prefer the romance on AFF hahaha :D All of my books are fantasy series. If you like fantasy, I suggest you read The Secret of The Immortal, Nicholas Flamel. The first series is The Alchemyst written by Michael Scott. The cover is green. It has 6 series of book but I can guarantee you that it worth the time! Seriously. I've had the series for only 6 months but I've read it over and over again. It's so adventurous!

The Secret of the immortal, Nicholas Flamel;
- The Alchemyst
- The Magician
- The Sorceress
- The Necromancer
- The Warlock
- The Enchantress
Definitely John Green's Paper Towns. It's quite graphic and I'm quite enjoying reading it!
Danielle Steel's Lost in Your Arms and Dating Game
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green~! eeiii~ <3
befearless_bbh #7
All stories of Sherlock Holmes are great! Them and The Chronicles of Narnia are my favorite!
Anna and the french kiss
authentic22 #9
Ofc mortal instrument :)
City of bones, and else..
The selection series by Kierra Cass is amazing :) Percy Jackson seroes by Rick Riordan is addicting :)
leungkw18 #11
oh and my dear author, I think I remember that you are recovering from a surgery? Do remember to rest a little as you read (or write) :)
leungkw18 #12
perhaps (re-)reading my sister's keeper by jodi picult? the story is impressively touching
LoveLoveLove01 #13
the Gone series [first book is called Gone] by Michael Grant AND the CHERUB Series [first book is called The Recruit] by Robert Muchamore AND anything by John Green. [mainly The Fault In Our Stars, Paper Towns and Looking For Alaska]
UnknownSpecies #14
Oh and escape from camp 14 by Blaine Harden
UnknownSpecies #15
Bitter melon by Cara Chow <-- one of my favorites