Fan Account

Block B D.C. Fan Account

This is going to be a bit long lol.
The concert itself was wonderful. The crowd was enthusiastic but (mostly) respectful, the setlist and performances were amazing (Block B is even better live omfg), and the fan interaction was beautiful.
As many of you may already know, they called up fans depending on seat number. The first seven were serenaded and given roses, and the next six were asked to play charades. The way they called the numbers of the seats was so adorable, haha. Block B tried really hard to pronounce the letters and numbers properly in English (“E, a b c d E!”) but the MC and translator had to repeat what they called because there was a bit of confusion. I wish I was called up for Romantically, because it’s one of my favorites, but alas I had enough fun watching other BBCs enjoy themselves. The charades was actually hilarious. There were two teams, Bumblebee and Drop It Low (or something like that lol). Zico showed the audience the word the teams had to act out before allowing them to start-for bumblebee, it was Harry Potter, and for the other team, it was Elsa. It was so funny because Bumblebee did really well but no one on the other team understood what the word was and had to cheat by singing Let It Go to get the point across haha.
As for other fanservice, Ukwon was extremely, for lack of a better word, ual. And god, did the crowd love it. I swear he wrecked at least 200 bias lists tonight. Kyung was really cute with his English, and Zico was absolutely hysterical with his weird little dances. P.O looked me dead in the eye and winked and I swear to god I almost cried then and there. I can’t remember what was going on with the other members during the actual concert.
The best part was definitely the hitouch/fansigning. Unfortunately, they did them both together at the same time. I was really awkward with B Bomb, Jaehyo, and Taeil, like “h-hi” as they offered me a hand. They were so beautiful in person that I could hardly breathe. P.O just grinned and was like “Yes, yes.” Kyung smiled at me and said, “Hello, how are you? How was your day?” And before I knew it “You’re so beautiful, oh my god” slipped out and I almost died from embarrassment. UKwon was next and I had this weird word vomit again and I ended up saying “God you’re too y man” and he was just like “okay yes yes.” (I don’t think he really understood lol). Zico was at the end of the line and I was so nervous! I had written him a really personal letter explaining why I appreciate him so much and I had practiced beforehand how to say “Would you like this(the letter)?” In Korean multiple times but once I saw him face to face it came out all rushed and weird. He still understood me though! He had this look of shock, like he was impressed (which he shouldn’t be since my Korean literally ) and then he was like “yes, thanks” in Korean back and god his hands were soft just ughjhh Zico you’re so perfect why.
Now I have a sore throat from screaming fanchants and a beautiful autographed poster and I am floating on clouds.


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Gaaahhh I wanna see Block B in person! They were here in Singapore but that was like 3 years ago! TT^TT Didn't get to see them then though ;_;
omg oMG WOW THIS IS SO AMAZING!!! Even if it was just the concert but then there was all the stuff afterwards! ^^
You lucky girl~ it's good to hear you had a nice time ^_^