What I hate

50 things I hate in no particular order


1. Spoiled little kids 

2. Allergies

3. Health problems that prevent fun

4. My period

5. Homework

6. Pink 

7. Country twangy music

8. free loadeds

9. Prejudice

10. Being left out 

11. Being alone

12. spiders

13. Lace and frills

14. Watching my friends cry

15. watching people I care about being hurt

16. disappointment

17. Rejextion

18. faikire

19. Getting slapped by depressjon

20. Hanging out with people then feeling like crap afterwards cuz of depression


22. Certain pens and markwrs

23. When the eraser breaks in half

24. Writing in books

25. Crappie cartoon adteork

26. When you run out of skips on pandora and the song sicka

27. Justin Bieber

28. Losing people

29. Pain

30. Getting my hopes crushed

31. YouTube ads

32. beans

33. Drama (specifically friend drama)

34. Being left behind

35. Being called stupid

36. Stupidity 

37. Autocorrect

38. When apps quit on you suddenly

39. Slow wiif

40. Lagging

41. My family 

42. Society

43. Crazy fans girls that take things too far or too personally 

44. Sweet ice rea

45. When someone turns down my music

46.  When people hate on my choices in life

47. Not knowing where I belong 

48. Stress and pressure

49. Random crying spells and panic attacks

50. Myself 


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