정호석, 너 바보!

Srsly, the only one guy tha called J-Hope a.k.a. Jung Hoseok is really a dead meat. Why he has to appeared in my peaceful life?! And make me turn upside down every moment I saw him. I hate this feeling yet I love it in the same time ㅠ ㅠ /facepalms Jung Hoseok, you srsly... Arghhhhhh Please I beg you... do not ruin my life... I hd wnoughh.. You srsly beought mw some teouble eight? Aish I'm goibg craY no longer... Junf Hoswojnnnnnnnkkkkkkkkk P/S : im gettibv headache unu tKe carw govie ippa ')


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