To-do list. Just ignore this I just needed to list this down somewhere.

1. Watch VIXX Diary - ongoing

1.5 Re-watch BTS Rookie King so you can die of laughter again as tribute to their one year anniversary be proud you have been with them since they released nmd mv- have a bangtan bomb marathon as well, IF YOU FINISH BEFORE JUNE 15. come on Block B is waiting too

2. Watch some Block B shows. 

3. Continue watching BTOB diary omfg you started watching this a YEAR ago

4. Watch Winner TV and WIN: WHO IS NEXT - done. since when was 4 lower than 1 lmao

4.5 uhh watch teen top 100% rising brothers before 5. 100% is

5. Watch MBLAQ's sesame player

6. Watch 1 U-Kiss show.

7. Watch 1 Boyfriend show.

8. Watch a ZE:A show

9. Watch SHINee's Hello Baby how can you be stuck at episode 1 forever

10. Continue watching Sunhee wgm yep 

11. Re-watch Super Junior shows come on you know you miss them badly 

12. Watch MYNAME diary

13. Get to know more groups. aka torture yourself more

13.5 Please watch Big Bang before this ^

14. Re-watch EXO's Showtime. You know you miss seing wufan's dumbness dumbness- wait- oh ok

15. Re-watch Ranking King and Sesame Player. revive your infinite feels, fighting!

16. Hmm B1A4 kkaeal player too. you miss them too.

17. Watch more shows of each group- respectively. IN ORDER FOR PETE'S SAKE.

18. Finally, listen to songs from YOUR MAJOR BIAS GROUPS EVERY. SINGLE. SONG. Prioritize Teen Top and BTS. yep

19. Watch interviews, random cuts, guestings of YOUR MAJOR BIAS GROUPS. prioritize Teen Top and BTS.

20. Watch Yongseo wgm how long did you delay this again

21. Watch One Piece/Fairy Tail you choose. Watch it too, don't just read omg

22. ^

23. be a fan of more girl groups not sure about this though.

24. WOOHOO! If you reached this, you're probably 20 years older than you were before congratulations! 

25. Buy albums. okno you can never get one bae sorrynotsorry





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Priotarize XDDD that killed me~~~~~ I wish i could do at least 1/10 of the things you do T.T stupid classes!!
Chocolatemushrooms #2
Yes prioritize bts! Maybe I should do some of these too. Happy 1 year with armys ♡
wooooww soo manyy ... lucky you have fast internet line //cryAriver//